MuranoPL object construction

Object construction is ability to create instances of MuranoPL classes (both YAML and Python-based) and initialize it property. It also directly affect relations between those 2 types of classes just because they can inherit from each other and have initializer of their own

Problem description

There are several major problems with current object initialization:

  • object created by new() function will always have an owner set to null. Because of this you cannot create objects that expect themselves to be nested in something (e.g. say find(std:Environment).require())

  • there are initialize() method in Python classes and method with the same name in YAML part, but they work completely different. YAML version is currently doesn’t invoked at all for new() making it useful for Python classes only

  • Python initializer may me called instead of YAML version in some cases as they have the same name

  • Python classes inherit from MuranoObject even if they not aware of it. Because MuranoObject has __init__ with many parameters and user classes have constructor parameters of their own user class cannot have __init__ or it will break MuranoObject. It looks very strange for a class to inherit from Python’s object and not being able to have __init__.

  • also because MuranoObject has many methods and properties of its own if user class will define method with the same name it will break how MuranoPL work.

Proposed change

  • rename YAML initialize and destroy methods to .init" and .destroy as they are special. Make class loader automatically replace old names with new ones for backward compatibility. Dot-prefixed names cannot be called from MuranoPL directly as this will be a YAQL syntax error so there is no more need to have special treatment for those names in MuranoDslExecutor and block them from being called explicitly

  • .init will be allowed to have parameters. During object initialization object model values will go into .init parameters instead of properties if parameter name matches key name in object model. Usual parameter contract system applies here

  • because .init need to be able to save values it receives in parameters to corresponding objects it should be allowed to modify properties with usage=In that are immutable in normal operation mode. The same extends to functions that get called during initialization

  • separate Python classes from MuranoObject. Classes will no longer inherit from MuranoObject and thus will have __init__ instead of initialize. MuranoObject will store their native part in a property called extension

  • using YAQL injected parameters provide Python class with interface to access its MuranoObject counterpart and invoke methods defined in YAML

  • initialization should go as following:
    1. YAML-defined properties initialized (in 1 pass for new(), 2 passes for object model load) except for those that can be found in .init parameters

    2. Python __init__ get called if present. The same property value used to initialize object used as __init__ parameters (i.e. subset of them since __init__ may have less parameters then number of declared properties or not to have parameters at all)

    3. For MuranoObject counterpart all .init methods in hierarchy get invoked starting from the top-level classes and down to the class that we are initializing. It should be invoked with special flag passed in context that will allow it to write to even read-only properties. Property values that were skipped on first stage become .init parameters on each hierarchy level. It is .init’s job to set corresponding properties (that might have different contract)

  • Add ability to explicitly pass created object owner as a new() parameter

  • Update object model serializer so that if object A is specified as an owner of object B but doesn’t references it and instead referenced by some other object C that is nested inside A then reattach B to C. This will not break object A since it remains nested in B. If A is referenced by several objects conforming this criteria any one of them can be used.



Data model impact


REST API impact


Versioning impact

  • initialize and destroy will automatically be renamed to .init and .destroy by the class loader so previously written apps won’t break

  • because currently initialize cannot have parameters at all backward compatibility retained

  • the same is true for ability to modify read-only properties in initializer

Other end user impact

Users gets ability to implement things like auto-scaling with ability to create instances from within MuranoPL

Deployer impact


Developer impact


Murano-dashboard / Horizon impact




Primary assignee:

Stan Lagun <slagun>

Work Items

Bullets from “proposed changes” section may be used as a work items directly



Please discuss how the change will be tested. We especially want to know what tempest tests will be added. It is assumed that unit test coverage will be added so that doesn’t need to be mentioned explicitly, but discussion of why you think unit tests are sufficient and we don’t need to add more tempest tests would need to be included.

Is this untestable in gate given current limitations (specific hardware / software configurations available)? Is this untestable in murano-ci? If so, are there mitigation plans (3rd party testing, gate enhancements, etc).

Documentation Impact

Mentioned changes need to be included into MuranoPL documentation

