Currently, Fuel Environment re-deployment re-runs all Fuel tasks without any check of customizations which could be applied for different OpenStack and Fuel components aka files and config values changes, running and stopped services and etc. If such changes weren’t applied to Fuel deployment tasks (manifests, scripts) as well (that the most frequent case for the users) new tasks run (in case of re-deployment or update) could lead to losing of applied customization.
Before re-deployment or update run of successfully deployed cluster it should be possible to get a report about those customizations which were applied to the Fuel cluster or particular node which differs from performed previously deployment and which could be possible overridden by new Fuel tasks run. Those customizations should be stored in the report file or database in readable (or parsable format) and it should be possible to get it using REST API.
Noop run for Fuel tasks could be used as a mechanism for detecting of any set of customizations applied to the services, configuration files and etc in the cluster. Tasks noop run is able to show changes in the metaparameters for files (e.g. owner, mode, content), services (e.g. status, service provider), OpenStack configs (e.g. missed options, incorrect values for options) and other (even custom) resources. This approach could be easily implemented for all types of tasks: Puppet tasks could be executed with ‘–noop’ option, other types could be just skipped.
Specifically Puppet Noop run will help to detect required types of customizations in Fuel environment. Puppet store report of each run (even noop run) in /var/lib/puppet/reports/<node-fqdn>/ folder in YAML format. Each puppet operation is tracked here and it has detailed description. The most important information is: was resource changed or not? This is shown by ‘changed’ parameter. So every puppet operation could be easily checked by status. Another aprroach here is to generate Puppet report in JSON format. For enabling of this feature is required to add ‘–logdest /path/to/file.json’ to the end of puppet apply command. In that case it’s possible to store a report for all Fuel puppet tasks in one file or separate a report per running task.
The implementation of this approach requires changes in the Fuel:
- Puppet tasks: all Fuel puppet tasks should support noop action. Some tasks may error with ‘–noop’ option. Such failures will be stored in report but they won’t stop Tasks noop run. They also won’t affect cluster/node status.
- Astute: will be created additional task types for noop run; those types will adapt all existing tasks to run them in noop mode: in case of puppet and shell types tasks will be executed in noop mode run, in case of other types those tasks will be skipped. Logging output for noop tasks run will be reduced: debug and verbose options for Puppet noop run will not be used.
- Task history: Noop run report should be stored in deployment tasks history.
- Nailgun: Noop run report should be available through nailgun API for each particular node in environment.
- Fuel CLI: it should be possible to run any custom graph for particular environment or node with Noop option.
This Noop run for the any cluster or set of nodes shouldn’t change their statuses. Noop run is not a part of deployment. It should work similar to addional checks (like OSTF is working).
Described in Nailgun section.
‘Noop_run’ flag will be added to RPC protocol. The end message sent by Nailgun should look like:
"api_version": "1",
"method": "task_deploy",
"respond_to": "transaction_resp",
"args": {
"task_uuid": "10",
"tasks_graph": "cluster_graph",
"dry_run": false,
"noop_run": true,
Fuel client should support following Noop actions:
- Run any graph with a ‘noop’ option which would ask nailgun to format a message to Astute properly, so that Astute runs only ‘noop’ tasks.
- Start Noop run for particular environment, node, task or set of tasks (custom graph).
- Get report from each Noop run.
Fuel Puppet tasks in plugins should also support Puppet noop run with new log destination.
Manual detect of customizations applied to the clusrer.
End users will be able to check their environment for customizations before cluster re-deployment, update or upgrade. They will be notified about the differences between current cluster/nodes state and original (after last deployment). It will help to reduce the risk of missing important customizations applied to cluster/nodes.
Documentation will have to be updated to reflect changes.