.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode =================================== Nailgun code testing improvements =================================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/nailgun-code-testing-improvements Current unit and integration tests needs improvement and should follow a single code testing policy. Problem description =================== Terms ----- Unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source code are tested to determine if they are fit for use. The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and show that the individual parts are correct [1]_. Integration testing is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group [2]_. Functional testing is a quality assurance (QA) process and a type of black-box testing that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test. Functions are tested by feeding them input and examining the output [3]_. Since functional testing is a part of QA process we don't consider its usage in the scope of this document. Problems -------- * The project needs to have a policy which describes tests writing rules. * Not all classes and functions are covered with tests. * There's no test coverage measurement and, accordingly, no lower bound for test coverage. * Unit and functional tests are not arranged properly and do not correspond with their purposes. * Skipped tests lead to lack of coverage. * Tests duplicate each other. * Some helper classes and functions don't have descriptive names. * ``nailgun.db.syncdb()`` is used for the test database creation. It runs all migrations one-by-one which is pretty slow. Current test coverage --------------------- Test coverage procedure is performed using `py.test-cov `_ utility by running the following command: .. code:: bash py.test --cov-config .coveragerc --cov nailgun nailgun/test/ ``.coveragerc`` file lists files and directories are not taken into account when calculating code coverage: .. code:: ini [run] omit = nailgun/test/* nailgun/openstack/common/* nailgun/unit_test* where ``nailgun/tests/`` and ``nailgun/unit_test.py`` contain the tests itself, ``nailgun/openstack/common`` is a part of ``oslo-incubator``. Here's the report generated on December 23, 2014: ========================================================== ====== ==== ===== Name Stmts Miss Cover ========================================================== ====== ==== ===== nailgun/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/api/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/__init__ 2 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/assignment 24 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/base 187 22 88% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/capacity 66 4 94% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/cluster 96 10 90% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/disks 34 1 97% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/logs 227 63 72% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/master_node_settings 28 15 46% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/network_configuration 101 5 95% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/node 109 6 94% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/node_group 31 9 71% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/notifications 21 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/orchestrator 103 10 90% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/plugin 16 1 94% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/registration 12 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/release 32 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/removed 15 1 93% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/tasks 27 4 85% nailgun/api/v1/handlers/version 13 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/urls 64 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/assignment 79 2 97% nailgun/api/v1/validators/base 36 3 92% nailgun/api/v1/validators/cluster 55 10 82% nailgun/api/v1/validators/json_schema/__init__ 2 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/json_schema/assignment 2 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/json_schema/base_types 19 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/json_schema/cluster 4 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/json_schema/disks 1 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/json_schema/networks 2 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/json_schema/node 3 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/json_schema/plugin 3 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/json_schema/release 4 0 100% nailgun/api/v1/validators/master_node_settings 11 5 55% nailgun/api/v1/validators/network 131 21 84% nailgun/api/v1/validators/node 144 10 93% nailgun/api/v1/validators/node_group 17 3 82% nailgun/api/v1/validators/notification 37 10 73% nailgun/api/v1/validators/plugin 15 2 87% nailgun/api/v1/validators/release 58 2 97% nailgun/api/v1/validators/task 10 0 100% nailgun/app 48 22 54% nailgun/assassin/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/assassin/assassind 27 8 70% nailgun/autoapidoc 48 20 58% nailgun/consts 33 0 100% nailgun/db/__init__ 6 0 100% nailgun/db/deadlock_detector 35 1 97% nailgun/db/migration/__init__ 34 16 53% nailgun/db/migration/alembic_migrations/env 22 4 82% nailgun/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/fuel_5_0 60 49 18% nailgun/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/fuel_5_1 72 40 44% nailgun/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/fuel_6_0 84 60 29% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/__init__ 79 30 62% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/fixman 148 50 66% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/__init__ 26 0 100% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/action_logs 22 0 100% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/base 13 0 100% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/cluster 64 1 98% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/fields 18 0 100% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/master_node_settings 10 0 100% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/network 45 0 100% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/network_config 37 0 100% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/node 204 11 95% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/notification 18 0 100% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/plugins 25 0 100% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/release 86 8 91% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/models/task 37 2 95% nailgun/db/sqlalchemy/utils 5 0 100% nailgun/errors/__init__ 11 0 100% nailgun/errors/base 14 0 100% nailgun/expression/__init__ 9 0 100% nailgun/expression/expression_parser 66 0 100% nailgun/expression/objects 51 4 92% nailgun/fake_keystone/__init__ 8 0 100% nailgun/fake_keystone/handlers 25 9 64% nailgun/fake_keystone/urls 7 0 100% nailgun/fixtures/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/fsm/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/fsm/state_list 6 6 0% nailgun/logger 64 38 41% nailgun/middleware/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/middleware/connection_monitor 63 45 29% nailgun/middleware/http_method_override 9 5 44% nailgun/middleware/keystone 64 1 98% nailgun/middleware/static 36 26 28% nailgun/middleware/utils 18 0 100% nailgun/network/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/network/checker 260 4 98% nailgun/network/manager 533 38 93% nailgun/network/neutron 28 1 96% nailgun/network/nova_network 22 0 100% nailgun/network/utils 6 0 100% nailgun/notifier 3 0 100% nailgun/objects/__init__ 22 0 100% nailgun/objects/action_log 21 0 100% nailgun/objects/base 156 11 93% nailgun/objects/capacity 8 0 100% nailgun/objects/cluster 270 8 97% nailgun/objects/master_node_settings 18 7 61% nailgun/objects/node 309 8 97% nailgun/objects/node_group 30 4 87% nailgun/objects/notification 40 1 98% nailgun/objects/plugin 20 0 100% nailgun/objects/release 81 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/action_log 3 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/base 22 2 91% nailgun/objects/serializers/cluster 5 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/master_node_settings 3 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/network_configuration 34 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/node 22 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/node_group 3 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/notification 3 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/plugin 3 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/release 12 0 100% nailgun/objects/serializers/task 3 0 100% nailgun/objects/task 144 7 95% nailgun/openstack/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/orchestrator/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/orchestrator/deployment_serializers 520 25 95% nailgun/orchestrator/plugins_serializers 113 14 88% nailgun/orchestrator/priority_serializers 86 5 94% nailgun/orchestrator/provisioning_serializers 83 1 99% nailgun/plugins/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/plugins/attr_plugin 88 8 91% nailgun/plugins/manager 24 0 100% nailgun/rpc/__init__ 31 12 61% nailgun/rpc/receiver 492 82 83% nailgun/rpc/receiverd 53 16 70% nailgun/rpc/threaded 42 42 0% nailgun/rpc/utils 8 5 38% nailgun/settings 45 6 87% nailgun/statistics/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/statistics/installation_info 85 76 11% nailgun/statistics/openstack_info_collector 50 46 8% nailgun/statistics/params_white_lists 3 0 100% nailgun/statistics/statsenderd 114 114 0% nailgun/task/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/task/fake 325 38 88% nailgun/task/helpers 187 26 86% nailgun/task/manager 393 37 91% nailgun/task/task 353 11 97% nailgun/urls 9 0 100% nailgun/utils/__init__ 87 9 90% nailgun/utils/migration 145 33 77% nailgun/utils/zabbix 66 51 23% nailgun/volumes/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/volumes/manager 416 20 95% nailgun/webui/__init__ 0 0 100% nailgun/webui/handlers 9 4 56% nailgun/webui/urls 6 0 100% nailgun/wsgi 6 6 0% ---------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- ----- TOTAL 9521 1453 85% ========================================================== ====== ==== ===== Proposed change =============== ``nailgun`` project needs improvements in code testing as follows: * Create a policy which describes: - Tests creation technique. - Test categorization (integration/unit/performance) and approaches of testing different Nailgun modules. Fuel project already has a policy scaffold on wiki page [4]_. It needs to be updated and placed to official development documentation source [5]_. * All the classes and functions should be covered with tests. A test coverage percentage should be more than 90%. * Some of classes and functions should be covered with integration as well as unit tests. This is left at the discretion of the developer. * Fix 'skipped' tests. * Remove duplicated tests. * Mimic Nailgun module structure in unit tests. * Rename class to a more descriptive [6]_. * Remove hardcoded , and attributes from class. Let's use parameters instead [7]_. These parameters will provide additional flexibility in writing tests * Remove ``nailgun.db.syncdb()`` logic from ``run_tests.sh``. Add database schema creation to the test base class by means of ``Base.metadata.create_all``. * Add tests for Alembic migrations [8]_. * Considering usage of custom fixture provider is beyond the scope of this document. * Review and refactor tests as exposed in the code testing policy. Alternatives ------------ None Data model impact ----------------- None REST API impact --------------- None Upgrade impact -------------- None Security impact --------------- None Notifications impact -------------------- None Other end user impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ None Other deployer impact --------------------- None Developer impact ---------------- Developers have to follow the code testing policy [9]_. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: ivankliuk Other contributors: fuel-python Work Items ---------- None Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= This document describes testing itself. Documentation Impact ==================== Nailgun development documentation [5]_ is updated with the code testing policy [9]_ by primary assignee. References ========== `Mailing list discussion `_ .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_testing .. [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integration_testing .. [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_testing .. [4] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel/How_to_Test_Your_Code .. [5] http://docs.mirantis.com/fuel-dev/develop/nailgun.html .. [6] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/138823/ .. [7] https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1398043 .. [8] https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1391553 .. [9] http://docs.mirantis.com/fuel-dev/develop/nailgun/development/code_testing.html