Support Glance multiple stores

This blueprint proposed to support Glance multiple stores.

Problem description

In Rocky and Stein, Glance has added the ability to configure multiple stores as an EXPERIMENTAL feature [1]. This feature is on schedule to be fully supported in the Train cycle. This way an operator can configure more than one of similar or different kind of stores and use one as a default store. If a store is not specified at the time of uploading an image then the image will be stored in default store.

In case of Cinder upload-volume-to-image, if no changes are made to Cinder, even if multiple stores are configured, the volume image will always be uploaded to the default store. This does not cause any issues, but does not allow an operator to take advantage of Glance multiple stores.

Use Cases

  1. An operator is offering multiple Glance image stores distinguished by some desirability metric (as explained to end users in each store’s description) and wants a user to have the option to select which of these stores will be used to store an image created from a Cinder volume.

Proposed change

Define a field named ‘image_service:store_id’ in the volume-type extra-specs. Using ‘image_service’ as the namespace for the ‘store_id’ key signals to the scheduler that this field should be ignored when scheduling a volume build.

The value is the store ‘id’ as indicated in the Image Service API v2 stores discovery response:

GET $IMAGE_API_URL/v2/info/stores

    "stores": [
            "description": "Has a good transfer speed/price ratio"
            "description": "Fast store with short transfer time",
            "default": true
            "description": "Inexpensive store for seldom used images"

There was discussion at the Train Forum and PTG concerning the validation of extra_specs [2], so the question arises of how that would impact the proposed usage of extra_specs for the Glance store information. If the validation implementation follows the Kilo spec [3], validation will happen in the REST API. The validation code could filter out the ‘image_service:store_id’ field before validating the other fields with the appropriate Cinder backend driver. Additionally, the code could validate the ‘image_service:store_id’ setting by making the Image Service API stores-info call and verfiying that value occurs as an element of the list given by the JSONPath $.stores[*].id in the response. (This would be ["reliable", "fast", "cheap"] in the example above.)

An objection to this proposal is that the Glance store should be associated directly with the image-type, and not hidden in with the extra-specs. Consider, however, how this would look to end users. If the new field is made part of the volume_type, it would be handled like the ‘qos_specs_id’, and the type-show response would look something like this:

    "volume_type": {
        "description": "A new type",
        "extra_specs": {},
        "id": "9f319ace-a53c-40cb-8171-f12c4547baaf",
        "is_public": true,
        "name": "a_new_type",
        "os-volume-type-access:is_public": true,
        "qos_specs_id": null,
        "image_service:store_id": null

A null value here means that the default Glance image store will be used, but this is confusing to end users because a natural interpretation of the null value is that this volume_type does not allow images to be uploaded to Glance. If we use the extra_specs, however, a volume type using the default Glance image store would look like:

    "volume_type": {
        "description": "Volume type using Glance default store",
        "extra_specs": {
            "volume_backend_name": "lvmdriver-1"
        "id": "686cc9f0-f4ca-4a5a-b113-eeb57d3977fd",
        "is_public": true,
        "name": "lvmdriver-1",
        "os-volume-type-access:is_public": true,
        "qos_specs_id": null

Which is exactly the same as we have currently, while a volume type that wants to specify a store would look like this:

    "volume_type": {
        "description": "Volume type specifying a Glance store",
        "extra_specs": {
            "volume_backend_name": "lvmdriver-1",
            "image_service:store_id": "cheap"
        "id": "686cc9f0-f4ca-4a5a-b113-eeb57d3977fd",
        "is_public": true,
        "name": "lvmdriver-1",
        "os-volume-type-access:is_public": true,
        "qos_specs_id": null

Which, as you’d expect, only brings the Glance store ID to your attention if something different than the usual case is being specified.

Additionally, this proposal would require no changes to the Cinder data model or the REST API, though these considerations are secondary to the usability implications discussed above.

Vendor-specific changes



  • Make the ‘image_service:store_id’ a property of the volume_type instead of an extra_specs field. While this would respect the intention of extra_specs describing properties of the Cinder backend, it has the usability issues mentioned in the Proposed change section and would require a new API microversion and a database change.

  • Add a new Cinder configuration option ‘store’ under the ‘glance’ section to upload all the volume images to a specific glance store. If this option is not present then all the volume images will be uploaded to default glance store. This solution will be efficient if operator doesn’t want to expose the use of uploading volume image to specific store to end user. This will be a very simple change and doesn’t require any Block Storage API change or change in python-cinderclient.

    This alternative has the downside that all images of Cinder volumes must be stored in the same store. If an operator has taken the trouble to configure multiple stores in Glance, presumably there is end-user demand to use different stores for different purposes, and presumably such an operator will want block storage users to be able to take advantage of the Glance multiple stores feature.

  • Add a new microversion to the volume-upload-to-image API to support uploading a volume image to a specific glance store of an end user’s choice. This could be done by adding a new input request parameter ‘store’ to the volume-upload-to-image API. If the ‘store’ option is not specified in a request then the image will be uploaded to the default store. This has the advantage that an end user will be able to choose any of the available Glance stores.

    This alternative has the disadvantage that the end user will have to make the GET /v2/info/stores call to the Image API to discover the store identifiers in use in a particular cloud. It also has the disadvantage that it works differently from Cinder’s support of multiple back ends, where the backend a volume is stored in is determined by the volume type. It would be better to use a workflow more familiar to Cinder users.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

None. User experience will be consistent with current practice, where an end user selects a volume type based on specific features exposed by the cloud operator.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Add ‘image_service:store_id’ handling to the Cinder create-image-from-volume workflow

  • Add related tests




  • Add related unittest

  • Add related functional test

  • Add tempest tests

Documentation Impact

Operators documentation should be updated according to spec implementation.
