Standardize Image Encryption and Decryption

OpenStack already has the ability to create encrypted volumes and ephemeral storage to ensure the confidentiality of block data. Even though it is also already possible to store encrypted images, there is only one service (Cinder) that utilizes this option, but it is only indirectly usable by Nova (a user must create a volume from the image first), and thus users don’t have an intuitive way to create and upload encrypted images. In addition, all metadata needed to detect and use encrypted images is either not present or specifically scoped for Cinder right now. In conclusion, support for encrypted images does exist to some extent but only in a non-explicit and non-standardized way. To establish a consistent approach to image encryption for all OpenStack services as well as users, several adjustments need to be implemented in Glance, Cinder and OSC.

Problem description

An image, when uploaded to Glance or being created through Nova from an existing server (VM), may contain sensitive information. The already provided signature functionality only protects images against alteration. Images may be stored on several hosts over long periods of time. First and foremost this includes the image storage hosts of Glance itself. Furthermore it might also involve caches on systems like compute hosts. In conclusion they are exposed to a multitude of potential scenarios involving different hosts with different access patterns and attack surfaces. The OpenStack components involved in those scenarios do not protect the confidentiality of image data.

Using encrypted storage backends for volume and compute hosts in conjunction with direct data transfer from/to encrypted images can enable workflows that never expose an image’s data on a host’s filesystem. Storage of encryption keys on a dedicated key manager host ensures isolation and access control for the keys as well.

As stated in the introduction above, some disk image encryption implementations for ephemeral disks in Nova and volumes in Cinder already touch on this topic but not always in a standardized and interoperable way. For example, the way of handling image metadata and encryption keys can differ. Furthermore, users are not easily able to make use of these implementations when supplying their own images in a way that encryption can work the same across services.

That’s why we propose the introduction of a streamlined encrypted image format along with well-defined metadata specifications which will be supported across OpenStack services for the existing encryption implementations and increase interoperability as well as usability for users.

Use Cases

1. A user wants to create a new volume based on an encrypted image. The corresponding volume host has to be enabled to detect, that the image is encrypted. Additionally encrypted images should always result in encrypted volumes to avoid decryption.

1.1 If an encrypted image is the base for a new volume the used volume type should always have an encryption type. If the given volume type or default volume type does not have an encryption type the operation should result in an ERROR.

1.2 There are two possible types of encrypted images: qcow2 and raw images. Cinder can already handle encrypted raw images. Encrypted qcow2 images may need to be flattend to raw before transfering them into volumes.

1.3 Encrypted images, that were created from encrypted volumes, may be compressed depending on Cinder’s allow_compression_on_image_upload option. This also needs to be handled when creating an encrypted volume from such an image.
2. Whenever an encrypted image is converted to an encrypted volume the secret should be copied to give Cinder full control over the life-cycle of the secret.

2.1. The secret can be a key or a passphrase. The secret type classification in the Key-Manager will determine the key handling (“symmetric” vs “passphrase”). Currently, Cinder is only able to handle “symmetric”. Support for “passphrase” (like used in Nova) has to be added.
3. A user wants to create an image from a volume with an encrypted volume type. The target image will reuse the LUKS encryption and key. This use case is already implemented as part of the default behavior of Cinder.

3.1. Creating an encrypted image from an unencrypted volume will not be part of this spec, but may be implemented later on.

3.2. Creating an unencrypted image from an encrypted volume is not possible right now. The volume encryption is transparently also used for the image. This behavior will stay in place to optimize resource usage and avoid costly conversion of the whole volume data on volume hosts.

Proposed change

In Glance we propose the following additional metadata properties that should be carried by encrypted images:

  • ‘os_encrypt_format’ - the main mechanism used, e.g. ‘LUKS’

  • ‘os_encrypt_cipher’ - the cipher algorithm, e.g. ‘AES256’

  • ‘os_encrypt_key_id’ - reference to secret in the key manager

  • ‘os_encrypt_key_deletion_policy’ - on image deletion indicates whether the key should be deleted too

  • ‘os_decrypt_container_format’ - format change, e.g. from ‘compressed’ to ‘bare’

  • ‘os_decrypt_size’ - size after payload decryption

We propose to align the encryption with Nova and Cinder and use LUKS, which will be allowed in combination with qcow and raw images. We use this two versions for the following reasons:

  1. Nova can directly use qcow-LUKS encrypted when creating a server. This is the standard procedure of Nova.

  2. Cinder allows the creation of Images from encrypted volumes. These will always result in LUKS-encrypted raw images. Those images can be converted directly to volumes again.

In the latter case it is already possible to upload such an encrpyted image to another OpenStack infrastructure, upload the key as well and set the corresponding metadata. After doing so the image can be used in the second infrastructure to create an encrypted volume.

We want to align the existing implementations between Nova and Cinder by standardizing the used metadata parameters and adding interoperability where applicable. This would in the case of Cinder mainly be a rename: - ‘cinder_encryption_key_deletion_policy’ to ‘os_encrypt_key_deletion_policy’ - ‘cinder_encryption_key_id’ to ‘os_encrypt_key_id’

In the Volume creation there will be a check added, to look for encrypted images proposed as a volume source. If an image is encrypted another check is added to determine, whether the volume type to create the volume has an encryption type. If that is not the case the volume create will be aborted in the API still. Otherwise there will be an unusable volume created.

The flattening of a qcow2 image should be handled when uploading the image to the volume. The volume size should be resulting from the ‘os_decrypt_size’ parameter. If compression is enabled through Cinder’s allow_compression_on_image_upload option Cinders implementation to handle this should be re-used.

The key management for creating an encrypted volume from an encrypted image must include the copying of the secret in Barbican. On this way Cinder always has the full control over the life-cycle of the secret, because this way is similar to the original creation of an encrypted volume.

In all places that use decryption within Cinder, there need to be an additional check for the type of the secret. And a different handling, if the secret is a “passphrase”, because the way Cinder treats keys to create a passphrase for the LUKS header of a volume is quite unique and differs from Nova’s handling of images, that have passphrases only.

The creation of an image from an volume just need to be adjusted to use the new parameters.


We also evaluated an image encryption implementation based on GPG. The downside with such an implementation is, that everytime such an image is used to create a server or a volume the image has to be decrypted and maybe re-encrypted for another encryption format as both Nova and Cinder use LUKS as an encryption mechanism. This would not only have impact on the performance of the operation but it also would need free space for the encrypted image file, the decrypted parts and the encrypted volume or server that is created.

Data model impact


REST API impact

When creating a volume from an encrypted image there might occure a new ERROR that is triggered, when an image is encrypted but no encrypted volume type is given.

Security impact

There are impacts on the security of OpenStack:

  • confidentiality of data in images will be addressed in this spec

  • image encryption is introduced formally, thus cryptographic algorithms will be used in all involved components (Nova, Cinder, OSC)

Active/Active HA impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

  • Users should be able to use encrypted images to create volumes in a consistant way

Performance Impact

The proposed checks for the Cinder API may have minimal impact on performance.

When creating a volume or server from an encrypted image the only operation that may be triggerd is the conversion between qcow-LUKS and raw LUKS blocks.

Thus, any performance impact is only applicable to the newly introduced encrypted image type where the processing of the image will have increased computational costs and longer processing times than regular images. Impact will vary depending on the individual host performance and supported CPU extensions for cipher algorithms.

Other deployer impact

  • For interoperability between the OpenStack services only the presence of a key manager should decide, whether encryption can be used or not.

  • A key manager - like Barbican - is required, if encrypted images are to be used.

Developer impact




Primary assignee: Markus Hentsch (IRC: mhen)

Other contributors: Josephine Seifert (IRC: Luzi)

Work Items

  • Add checks in the create volume API

  • Add copying the secret and registering as a consumer in Barbican

  • Add flattening of qcow2 to raw encrypted images

  • In the image create from volume: change the ‘cinder_encryption_key_deletion_policy’ to ‘os_encrypt_key_deletion_policy’ and ‘cinder_encryption_key_id’ to ‘os_encrypt_key_id’


  • Presence of the image encryption parameters in Glance has to be implemented


Tempest tests would require access to encrypted images for testing. This means that Tempest either needs to be provided with an image file that is already encrypted and its corresponding key or needs to be able to encrypt images itself. This point is still open for discussion.

Documentation Impact

It should be documented for deployers, how to enable this feature in the OpenStack configuration.


[1] Barbican Secret Consumer Spec:

[2] Glance Image Encryption Spec:



Release Name


