Dedicated backup status field for volumes

This spec proposes to introduce a new backup_status field for volumes to remove the blocking or serialization that active backup tasks impose on volume attachment workflows.

Problem description

Currently all cinder tasks use the status field to check for suitable volume status while performing any particular operation. During the active phase of a task, its status is also held and updated via the same volume status field. And finally also certain errors thrown by a task are communicated back via this field. This single field in essence creates a locking or synchronization mechanism to have only one task act on a volume at any one time.

While this is helpful for coordinating tasks affecting the volume itself, applying the same logic to backups is actually not required or helpful:

  • Actions on the volume itself (such as resize or attaching) and backups backups (backing-up) not techically relate to each other. The backup-driver and block device-driver act independently and backups are read off a volume snapshot or, in case the config option backup_use_temp_snapshot is set to false, a clone of the volume.

  • A backup might take quite a long time to finish and is blocking any other task for the volume in the meantime. If we assume a 8TB volume is being backed up in full and even if the backup was running at 1 GB/s the volume backup will still take ~2.5 hrs to complete. Decoupling this from a state machine perspective (since it already is for most drivers or implementations which work via snapshots) seems to be quite beneficial.

Use Cases

There are two sides to the use-cases of decoupling backup tasks from other tasks on a volume:

1. For cloud operators - Currently detaching volume from source compute node and attaching it to the destination compute node during an instance live-migration is blocked by a concurrently run volume backup. To make matters worse, the potentially long running backup (task) could also have been triggered by the user and then be blocking administrative actions such as the live-migration of all instances to others hosts to take a hypervisor down for maintenance.

Provided sufficiently large volumes or slow backup transfer rates this could cause users to “lock out” administrative tasks indefinitely.

2. For cloud users - Urgent operational tasks are blocked by an active backup task currently. A running backup blocking the users ability to quickly resize a volume that is running low of available space or attach it to another instance. This issue is worsened if the backup tasks is even triggered by the cloud provider or some automatic scheduling.

Proposed change

For volumes there shall be field backup_status to hold the backup related values currently stored in status:

  • ‘backing-up’

  • ‘error_backing-up’

  • ‘restoring-backup’

  • ‘error_restoring’

(The backup_status certainly can also be null, to indicate there currently is no backup related status for this volume.)

Those shall then be removed from the list of (valid) values of status and be values for backup_status.

There will be some changes to the conditional checks for certain tasks to be started, but most usually depend on those volume status values that would remain in the status field anyways.


There was a discussion around a spec [1] moving all task status to a new field. This ended up being way too complex and not really suitable for the described use-cases of decoupling volume backups.

Data model impact

  • An additional field backup_status would have to be added to the volume table, together with a change to the list of valid values it might hold.

  • This will be introduced via a schema change to the database first, to add the new field.

  • This change is then followed by an online update/upgrade to split up the “moved out” status related to backups in their newly dedicated fields.

  • The valid values for volume status would then also have to be reduced. As the status backing-up, error_backing-up and are only to be stored in the backup status.

  • The method conditional_update needs to support different versions for the volume data model during the update process of the database. In addition all calls to the method in the cinder project have to be updated to use the new field.

REST API impact

Due to the introduction of a new field and the following split up of the status field for a volume a new API microversion is required. To serve older microversions a mapping between the two data-models has to be introduced. In essence the API has to present the status from both fields (status, backup_status) in the (previously used) single status field when older microversions are used.

The additional field of a backup_status would need to be sent to the user. The valid status of a volume would only allow the reduced set. In addition endpoints the reset_status_backup action needs to be adapted to the new data model to allow (admin only) setting a backup status.

NOTE: The list of endpoints to be changed is based on the current proposed change and is subject to change.

  • Show volume

  "volume": {
      "attachments": [],
      "availability_zone": "nova",
      "bootable": "false",
      "consistencygroup_id": null,
      "created_at": "2018-11-29T06:50:07.770785",
      "description": null,
      "encrypted": false,
      "id": "f7223234-1afc-4d19-bfa3-d19deb6235ef",
      "links": [
              "href": "",
              "rel": "self"
              "href": "",
              "rel": "bookmark"
      "metadata": {},
      "migration_status": null,
      "multiattach": false,
      "name": null,
      "os-vol-host-attr:host": null,
      "os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat": null,
      "os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id": null,
      "os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id": "89afd400-b646-4bbc-b12b-c0a4d63e5bd3",
      "replication_status": null,
      "size": 10,
      "snapshot_id": null,
      "source_volid": null,
      "status": "creating",
      "backup_status": null,
      "updated_at": null,
      "user_id": "c853ca26-e8ea-4797-8a52-ee124a013d0e",
      "volume_type": "__DEFAULT__",
      "provider_id": null,
      "group_id": null,
      "service_uuid": null,
      "shared_targets": true,
      "cluster_name": null,
      "volume_type_id": "5fed9d7c-401d-46e2-8e80-f30c70cb7e1d",
      "consumes_quota": true
  • Update volume

    • return additional field for the backup_status

  • List volumes

    • show additional field for the backup_status

    • additional filter for the backup_status

  • List detailed volumes

    • show additional field for the backup_status

    • additional filter for the backup_status

Additionally (only available with the use of the new micro version)

  • Set volume backup_status

  • Unset volume backup_status

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

Performance Impact

While not a performance impact per se, having the backup state-machine decoupled from the status will reduce the serialization of tasks happening for a volume.

Other deployer impact

Developer impact

The state of a volume can only be set to the reduced list of status. In addition the backup status can now only be set or unset via the introducted backup_status field.

The change above has the impact that all methods have to be checked which allow concurrent interaction with a volume and use the backup_status field instead of the status field to indicate a running process. This change should be communicated to other developer teams that rely on the cinder api to check on the status to either use an old microversion or update to use the status and the backup_status.

Because the status is currently used as a locking mechanism to prevent actions to start if an invalid status is reached, the method calls in the api have to be updated to also include a check for the backup_status if necessary. Some of the work here is currently done by the conditional_update method which needs to receive support for the updated volume model. This versioning is only needed if an old database model is received. The API always sends the new model even if an older API version is used due to the translation layer. This translation layer guarantees backwards compatibility with older API versions and translates (status, backup_status) -> status and status -> (status, backup_status).

To be able to perform an online migration of the database for an update of openstack a method to remap the status -> (status, backup_status) and save it in the database is necessary. This method should only be called if the schema update is done. This method will allow older openstack versions to be able to perform as before and set or check on their status as needed. These methods should be removed in further releases.

Upgrade impact



The following existing restrictions on which actions / tasks can happen on a volume have to be maintained with the changes implemented:

  • Reject volume deletion while volume is currently being backed up

  • Reject concurrent backups of a volume if one is already in progress

  • Reject volume or “block storage” migration if a backup is currently running


Primary assignee:

Christian Rohmann (IRC: crohmann)

Other contributors:

Work Items

  • Split up the status field to the above mentioned status and backup_status fields

    • Update SQL data model by adding a backup_status column to the volumes table

    • Create DB migration (Alembic)

    • additional method(s) for the model to allow an online migration of the database

    • Update volume class by adding backup_status field and bumping the version

  • Introduce validation methods for the new backup_status field to guarantee that no wrong status can be set

  • Update validation methods for the status field to guarantee that no wrong status can be set

  • Add versioning to the conditional_update method for old database models

  • Update method calls to conditional_update to use status and backup_status

  • Introduce the API-Layer as a translator to serve older micro versions

  • Introduce a new microversion to allow backups to be performed in isolation from other operations that use volume’s status field as a locking mechanism.

  • Documentation

    • Breaking changes

    • API Documentation

      • Models

      • Endpoints

    • Upgrade guide/scripts for older database models

      • online migration

      • schema updates


Dependencies to other developer teams have to be communicated to ensure they use the old microversion to avoid breaking changes and to switch to the new split up fields. This change should especially be communicated to the nova team which checks regularly for the status of an attached volume.


  • Since only a reduced set of states are handled via the status field and with backup_status as newly introduced field, some functional tests have to be adapted to use the new data model.

  • Further tests have to be added to ensure the translation layer for older API microversions work as expected. E.g. the backup status is presented via either status for an older microversion and then via backup_status for the new version.

  • Because the conditional_update` method needs to support versioning in this release, test should be written to verify that the versioning happens correctly.

Documentation Impact

  • Add a release note explaining the motivation and effect of the change

  • Document the state-machines for the volume itself and the backup and restore tasks.

  • Document the translation layer for the older microversions and how the translation behaves.


[1] Previously proposed spec to add a task status:



Release Name


