CephFS NFS with Manila

CephFS should be used to provide shared storage to OpenStack servers via Manila.

Problem Description

The existing CephFS charm doesn’t have any usable integration with Manila.

Proposed Change

To add support for CephFS as a shared filesystem for an OpenStack Charm deployed OpenStack, a few things are required. Primarily, a new charm will be needed to bridge the NFS to CephFS protocols. The best option for this application is Ganesha. In addition to charming Ganesha, additional work will need to be done to improve the testability and supportablity of the existing CephFS charm.

To allow the new Ganesha charm to integrate with Manila, a new remote-manila-plugin interface will be added to the existing Manila charm that will act exactly the same as the existing manila-plugin interface, but will not be container scoped. This remote-manila-plugin interface will be used to disable the manila-share service on the Manila charm. The new manila-ganesha charm will configure the manila-share service in addition to Ganesha.

Access to the Ganesha network will include security groups restricting tenants on the provider network from being able to access anything over that network excepting their own NFS share, and IP restrictions will be used on the NFS shares to restrict tenants from being able to access each others’ shares. This provider network will be documented as requiring creation by the OpenStack administrator. The network will need to be created to match the space that the Ganesha charm provides its NFS service over.


As an alternative to installing Ganesha as the NFS gateway, it is possible to implement a shared filesystem via CephFS and Manila directly. This approach is not preferred because of the requirement to add the ceph-fs clients to all tenants that would like to access the shared filesystems. In addition, letting clients connect directly to Ceph reqiures exposing the Ceph cluster (mons and OSDs) directly to tenant workloads, dramatically increasing the security exposure to the shared storage.


A bundle overlay to add Ceph backed storage to Manila with Ganesha would look like:

    charm: manila-ganesha
    num_units: 2
  - - ceph-mon
    - ganesha
  - - manila-ganesha:remote-manila-plugin
    - manila:remote-manila-plugin

A more complete bundle could look like:

    charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/ceph-mon
    num_units: 3
    charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/ceph-osd
    num_units: 3
      osd-devices: '10g'
    charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/ceph-mds
    num_units: 2
    charm: manila-ganesha
    num_units: 2
    charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/manila
    num_units: 1
  - - ceph-mon
    - manila-ganesha
  - - ceph-mon
    - ceph-osd
  - - manila-ganesha:remote-manila-plugin
    - manila:remote-manila-plugin


Primary assignee:


Gerrit Topic

Use Gerrit topic “charm-cephfs-manila” for all patches related to this spec.

git-review -t charm-cephfs-manila

Work Items

  • New Manila-Ganesha charm

  • Updates to the Manila charm

  • Improvements to CephFS charm


There will be a few new repositories needed:

  • charm-manila-ganesha

In addition, charm-manila and charm-ceph-fs charm will be updated.


This change will require new documentation to the charm-guide, in addition to new documentation in the new charms. Additionally, charm-ceph-fs will need updated documentation to illustrate new functionality.


This change will require some validation of the permission model and restrictions on the ceph storage provided by manila to ensure that accessing a share doesn’t break tenant restrictions.


Unit tests will be added to each charm to cover any new functionality.

New functional tests will be added to each of the new and existing charms to validate functionality, including end-to-end testing of the entire solution.


The packages that are required for this work are already included in the Ubuntu archives in Universe. The required packages in Universe (ganesha-nfs) will be proposed for inclusion to Main as a part of this work. There are no other new, external dependencies. The first release that will be supported for Manila with CephFS and Ganesha is Bionic Rocky.