Ceph RADOS Gateway (RGW) Cloud Sync

Ceph RGW has a module called Cloud Sync which allows syncing zone data to a remote cloud service. The sync is unidirectional, data is not synced back from the remote zone. The goal of this module is to enable syncing data to multiple cloud providers. The currently supported cloud providers are those that are compatible with AWS (S3).

More info about Ceph Cloud Sync here: https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/cloud-sync-module.

The Cloud Sync module is built atop of the multi-site framework that allows for forwarding data and metadata to a different external tier.

More info about Ceph sync modules here: https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/radosgw/sync-modules.

Problem Description

The current ceph-radosgw charm does not support the cloud-sync module. Given the fact that the cloud-sync module is built atop of the multi-site framework, we can leverage the existing radosgw-multisite Juju relation interface.

The cloud-sync module is enabled via a new relation with the primary ceph-radosgw application. The deployment is similar with the existing RGW multi-site replication steps: https://ubuntu.com/ceph/docs/setting-up-multi-site.

The only differences being:

  • Both primary-ceph-radosgw and secondary-ceph-radosgw (with the cloud-sync enabled zone) are related to the same Ceph cluster.

  • When data is replicated from primary-ceph-radosgw zone, the secondary-ceph-radosgw zone will write into a remote S3, instead of Ceph storage. The secondary-ceph-radosgw zone will have the appropriate S3 credentials configured for this task.

  • Data sync is unidirectional, therefore the secondary-ceph-radosgw zone will be read-only.

More info about how to configure the cloud-sync module here: https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/cloud-sync-module/#how-to-configure.

Proposed Change

Add a new relation, called cloud-sync, to the ceph-radosgw charm. The new relation will implement the existing radosgw-multisite relation interface.

In the new cloud-sync relation, when the secondary multi-site secondary zone is created, we need to pass --tier-type=cloud to the radosgw-admin zone create command in order to have the cloud-sync module enabled. Besides this, we need to add the S3 target credentials via --tier-config parameter of the radosgw-admin zone modify command.

These steps are documented at: https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/cloud-sync-module.

The Ceph cloud-sync module allows multiple S3 targets to be configured in the same zone tier config. For this, we have profiles in the tier config. Each profile maps a single source bucket (or multiple buckets via prefix) to one S3 destination (Many-To-One mapping). The profiles in the tier config are optional.

A profile contains info about:

  • source_bucket, either a bucket name, or a bucket prefix (if ends with *) that defines the source bucket(s) for this profile.

  • target_path, a string that defines how the target path is created. The target path specifies a prefix to which the source object name is appended. The target path is configurable, and it can include any of the following variables:

    • $sid: unique string that represents the sync instance ID

    • $zonegroup: the zonegroup name

    • $zonegroup_id: the zonegroup ID

    • $zone: the zone name

    • $zone_id: the zone id

    • $bucket: source bucket name

    • $owner: source bucket owner ID

    For example: target_path = rgwx-${zone}-${sid}/${owner}/${bucket}

  • connection_id, ID of the connection (with credentials) that will be used for this profile.

A new charm config, called cloud-sync-target-path, will be added to configure the target path for all the profiles. This allows a consistent target path for the configured cloud-sync zone.

The profiles are configured through the use of s3-integrator Juju applications together with the new config option cloud-sync-target-path.

It is mandatory to have a default S3 target for all the buckets that don’t have a profile configured. The rationale is that every bucket needs to have a sync target, and the default target is the fallback for any bucket that doesn’t have a profile configured. A new charm config will be added, called cloud-sync-default-s3-target for this purpose.

It is obvious that we need to handle S3 credentials for the S3 targets configured in the cloud-sync zone. For this purpose, we will use the s3-integrator charm (https://github.com/canonical/s3-integrator). The ceph-radosgw charm will have new relation with the s3-integrator charm.

Each deployed application of the s3-integrator charm will handle credentials for a single S3 target. When relating multiple s3-integrator applications to the same secondary-ceph-radosgw cloud-sync application, the tier config will be updated with profiles for each S3 target.

For example, the following Juju deployment commands:

# Assuming ceph-mon is already deployed
juju deploy ceph-radosgw primary-ceph-radosgw \
  --config realm=eu \
  --config zonegroup=east \
  --config zone=primary

juju relate ceph-radosgw:mon ceph-mon:radosgw

juju deploy ceph-radosgw secondary-ceph-radosgw \
  --config realm=eu \
  --config zonegroup=east \
  --config zone=primary-cloud-sync \
  --config 'cloud-sync-target-path=${bucket}' \
  --config cloud-sync-default-s3-target=minio-dev

juju relate secondary-ceph-radosgw:mon ceph-mon:radosgw

juju deploy s3-integrator minio-dev \
  --config endpoint= \
  --config region=us-east-1 \
  --config s3-uri-style=path

juju deploy s3-integrator minio-production \
  --config endpoint= \
  --config region=us-east-2 \
  --config s3-uri-style=path \
  --config 'bucket=production*'

juju relate ceph-radosgw-cloud-sync:s3-credentials minio-dev:s3-credentials
juju relate ceph-radosgw-cloud-sync:s3-credentials minio-production:s3-credentials

# After all applications' units are idle
juju relate ceph-radosgw-cloud-sync:cloud-sync ceph-radosgw:primary

juju run minio-dev/leader sync-s3-credentials --string-args access-key=MY_DEV_ACCESS_KEY secret-key=MY_DEV_SECRET_KEY
juju run minio-production/leader sync-s3-credentials --string-args access-key=MY_PROD_ACCESS_KEY secret-key=MY_PROD_SECRET_KEY

will render the following tier config in the cloud sync zone:

    // ...
    "name": "primary-cloud-sync",
    // ...
    "tier_config": {
        "connections": [
                "id": "minio-dev",
                "endpoint": "",
                "region": "us-east-1",
                "host_style": "path",
                "access_key": "MY_DEV_ACCESS_KEY",
                "secret": "MY_DEV_SECRET_KEY"
                "id": "minio-production",
                "endpoint": "",
                "region": "us-east-2",
                "host_style": "path",
                "access_key": "MY_PROD_ACCESS_KEY",
                "secret": "MY_PROD_SECRET_KEY"
        "profiles": [
                "connection_id": "minio-production",
                "source_bucket": "production*",
                "target_path": "${bucket}"
        "connection_id": "minio-dev",
        "target_path": "${bucket}"
    // ...





Primary assignee: ionutbalutoiu

Gerrit Topic

Use Gerrit topic “ceph-radosgw-cloud-sync” for all patches related to this spec.

git-review -t ceph-radosgw-cloud-sync

Work Items

  • Add two new charm configs to ceph-radosgw:

    • cloud-sync-default-s3-target, the default S3 target for buckets that don’t have a profile configured in the tier config.

    • cloud-sync-target-path, string that defines how the target path is created. The target path specifies a prefix to which the source object name is appended.

  • Add a new relation called cloud-sync to the ceph-radosgw charm. The new relation implements the existing radosgw-multisite interface. The cloud-sync secondary zone will be configured with --tier-type=cloud, and connection info for the S3 targets will be fetched from the relation with the s3-integrator charm.

    When the cloud-sync relation is established, the ceph-radosgw cloud-sync application will be blocked until a relation with the s3-integrator application is created, which provides S3 credentials for the configured cloud-sync-default-s3-target.

  • Add a new relation called s3-credentials, implementing s3 interface, used to fetch S3 credentials for each S3 target in the cloud-sync tier config.

    The name of related s3-integrator application will be used as the profile name configured in the tier config. From the relation data, we also fetch the source bucket(s) for each profile.



The config options (cloud-sync-default-s3-target and cloud-sync-target-path) will be documented in the ceph-radosgw charm.

Also, additional documentation to charm deployment guide should be added for the new cloud-sync relation.


  • ceph-radosgw

    • The Ceph Cloud Sync module requires S3 connection credentials for the configured S3 targets. These credentials are fetched from the s3-credentials relation with an application that implements the s3 relation interface.


Code written or changed will be covered by unit tests; functional testing will be implemented using the Zaza framework.


No new dependencies.