.. _newton-priorities: ========================= Newton Project Priorities ========================= List of priorities the Watcher drivers team is prioritizing in Newton. +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | Priority | Owner | +=============================+=======================+ | `Cluster Object Wrapper`_ | `Vincent Francoise`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Persistent Audit Param`_ | `Prashanth Hari`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Watcher Policies`_ | `Charlotte Han`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Nova Policies`_ | `Jean-Emile Dartois`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Define Audit Scope`_ | `Alexander Chadin`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Scoring module`_ | `Tomasz Kaczynski`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Auto Triggering Audit`_ | `Digambar`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Dynamic Action Desc`_ | `Charlotte Han`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Planner Storage Action`_ | `Jinquan Ni`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Notifications`_ | `Vincent Francoise`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Uniform Airflow Strategy`_ | `Junjie Huang`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Overload Strategy`_ | `Alexander Chadin`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Plugins parameters`_ | `Vincent Francoise`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Get Goal from Strategy`_ | `Vincent Francoise`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Efficacy Indicator`_ | `Vincent Francoise`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Default Planner Generic`_ | `Jinquan Ni`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | `Continuous Optimization`_ | `Alexander Chadin`_ | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ .. _Jean-Emile Dartois: https://launchpad.net/~jed56 .. _Vincent Francoise: https://launchpad.net/~vincent-francoise .. _David Tardivel: https://launchpad.net/~david-tardivel .. _Tomasz Kaczynski: https://launchpad.net/~tom-kaczynski .. _Edwin Zhai: https://launchpad.net/~edwin-zhai .. _Prashanth Hari: https://launchpad.net/~hvprash .. _Charlotte Han: https://launchpad.net/~hanrong .. _Alexander Chadin: https://launchpad.net/~joker946 .. _Kevin Mullery: https://launchpad.net/~kmullery .. _Digambar: https://launchpad.net/~digambarpatil15 .. _Jinquan Ni: https://launchpad.net/~ni-jinquan .. _Grigorios Katsaros: https://launchpad.net/~gregory-katsaros .. _Junjie Huang: https://launchpad.net/~junjie.huang Cluster Object Wrapper ---------------------- `Watcher Decision Engine`_ must provide a way to get cluster objects that can be used directly within a `Strategy`_ . These objects will be refreshed periodically. Persistent Audit Param ---------------------- Watcher must ensure that the Audit parameters are persistent in Db. Watcher Policies ---------------- Admin can use policies to allow or not users to invoke Watcher API methods. Nova Policies ------------- Watcher `Strategy`_ must conform with the Nova polices. Define Audit Scope ------------------ Watcher python clients must validate resources instead of Heat. Scoring module -------------- Watcher scoring module is a generic machine learning service. It will provide for example predictions or classifications that can be used by the selected `Strategy`_. Auto Triggering Audit ---------------------- Watcher will carry out 'Action Plans'_ automatically during Continous Optimization. Dynamic Action Desc ------------------- 'Watcher Decision Engine'_ must support Strategy with new customized actions. Planner Storage Action ---------------------- Watcher must store 'Action Plans'_ as a directed graph or Directed Acyclic Graph in its database. The 'Watcher Applier'_ can then run each independent Action in the graph in parallel when its dependencies have been satisfied. Notifications ------------- Watcher must be compliant with the new notification logic (versionned payload and one topic). Action Plan Conso ----------------- Watcher must support a consolidation mechanism which combine all 'Action Plans'_ generated from an Audit into a single flow of Actions to be executed. Uniform Airflow Strategy ------------------------ This `Strategy`_ trigger migration of VMs based on the airflow of servers. This strategy makes decisions to migrate VMs to make the airflow uniform. Overload Strategy ----------------- This 'Strategy'_ chooses the pair VM:dest_host that minimizes the standard deviation in a cluster best. Plugins parameters ------------------ Watcher must give the possibility to the developer to add some parameters depending on the configuration of OpenStack cluster on the plugins Get Goal from Strategy ---------------------- Achieved goal should be returned by each `Strategy`_ Efficacy Indicator ------------------ Provide efficacy indicators Default Planner Generic ----------------------- An admin needs to be able to add a new Action without having to amend the source code of the default planner. Continuous Optimization ----------------------- Watcher Audit must support an active mode .. _Strategy: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#strategy .. _Watcher Decision Engine: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/architecture.html#watcher-decision-engine .. _Action Plan: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#action-plan .. _Watcher Applier: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#watcher-applier