Adding pagination and sorting ability to Sahara

This specification describes an option for pagination ability which will admit to work with objects in Sahara with API, CLI and Dashboard. Also this specification describes sorting ability to Sahara API.

Problem description

We are working on adding the ability for pagination to work with objects. But having too many objects to be shown is not very user friendly. We want to implement pagination so the dashboard can split the list of pages making the UI better. User has ability to sort objects by columns in dashboard, but if we add pagination ability, we will need to add sorting ability in API, because ordering on UI side only will cause inconvenience since the service will continue returning pages ordered by the default column.

Proposed change

Will be added four optional parameters in API GET requests, which return a lists of objects.


Now elements on lists sorted by date of creation.

marker - index of the last element on the list, which won’t be in response.

limit - maximum count of elements in response. This argument must be positive integer number. If this parameter isn’t passed, in response will be all the elements which follow the element with id in marker parameter. Also if marker parameter isn’t passed, response will contain first objects of the list with count equal limit. If both parameters aren’t passed, API will work as usual.

sort_by - name of the field of object which will be used by sorting. If this parameter is passed, objects will be sorting by date of creation, otherwise by this field.

The field can possess one of the next values for every object:

For Node Group Template: name, plugin, version, created_at, updated_at

For Cluster Templates: name, plugin, version, created_at, updated_at

For Clusters: name, plugin, version, status, instance_count

For Job Binaries and Job Binaries Internal name, create, update

For Data Sources: name, type, create, update

For Job Templates: name, type, create, update

For Jobs: id, job_template, cluster, status, duration

By default Sahara api will return list in ascending order. Also if the user wants a descending order list, he can use - prefix for sort_by argument.


Get list of jobs in ascending order sorted by name.

request GET http://sahara/v1.1/775181/jobs?sort_by=name

Get list of jobs in descending order sorted by name.

request GET http://sahara/v1.1/775181/jobs?sort_by=-name

For convenience, collections contain atom “next” and “previous” markers. The first page on the list doesn’t contain a previous marker, the last page on the list doesn’t contain a next link. The following examples illustrate pages in a collection of cluster templates.


Get one cluster template after template with id=3.


GET http://sahara/v1.0/775181/cluster-templates?limit=1&marker=3


    "cluster_templates": [
            "name": "cluster-template",
"plugin_name": "vanilla",
            "id": "4",
            "node_groups": [
                    "name": "master",
                    "name": "worker",
            "next": "32",
            "previous": "22"

Example: Let cluster template with id = 5 will be the last of collection. Response will contain only “previous” link.


GET http://sahara/v1.0/775181/cluster-templates?limit=1&marker=4


           "previous": "3"



Data model impact


REST API impact

Add ability get marker, limit, sort_by parameters in next requests:

Sahara API v1.0

GET /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images

GET /v1.0/{tenant_id}/node-group-templates

GET /v1.0/{tenant_id}/cluster-templates

GET /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters

Sahara API v1.1

GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/data-sources

GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-binary-internals

GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-binaries

GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/jobs

GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-executions

Sahara API v2

GET /v2/cluster-templates

GET /v2/clusters

GET /v2/data_sources

GET /v2/images

GET /v2/job-binaries

GET /v2/jobs

GET /v2/job-templates

GET /v2/node-group-templates

Other end user impact


Deployer impact


Developer impact


Sahara-image-elements impact


Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact

Pagination will be added to Sahara-Dashboard via Horizon abilities. Now we are using DataTable class to represent lists of data objects. This class supports pagination abilities.



Primary assignee:

mlelyakin (

Work Items

  • Adding ability of take arguments marker, limit in Sahara API

  • Adding unit tests for new features.

  • Adding ability of take argument sort_by in Sahara API

  • Adding this abilities in Sahara CLI Client

  • Adding this abilities in Dashboard

  • Documented pagination and sorting features




Will be covered with unit tests.

Documentation Impact

Will be adding to documentation of Sahara API.

