Update Ask OpenStack

Problem description

Operators of OpenStack environments lack a reliable source to find answers to commonly encountered issues. The current ask.openstack.org site is not broadly functional or well contributed to by the broader community.

User Stories

*As an Operator, I want to be able to quickly find reliable answers to common operational issues and questions so that I can continue to support my users *As an Operator, I want to ask an uncommon question in a community forum and receive an timely answer from the communities expertise so that I can continue to support my users *As an Operator, I want to see answers to previously asked uncommon questions and a notion to the popularity of previous answers so that I can continue to support my users

Usage Scenarios Examples

  1. Common Question Usage - OpenStack Operator
    1. Go to common question repository
    2. Search for error code, topic, api call, etc
    3. Find most popular answer to common question
    4. Add support for popular answer if it resolves issue
  2. UnCommon Question Usage - OpenStack Operator
    1. Go to common question repository
    2. Search for error code, topic, api call, etc
    3. Discover no answers have been provided
    4. Create new request, or add support for existing request
    5. Receive notification that an answer has been submitted
    6. Add support for answer if it resolves issue


A workable community knowledge base is a critical component of any successful software. Even more so in free open-source projects. Having a simple place for operators to go to acquire the collective community knowledge on a given topic will significantly reduce the barrier to entry to utilizing OpenStack.




Currently ask.openstack.org is outdated and has no designation between personas (User, Operator, Admin, Developer).

Affected By


External References
