Overhaul of the current OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide ############################################################ :date: 2016-05-31 00:00 :tags: docs Blueprint: Overhaul of the current OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+spec/install-guide * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+spec/osa-install-guide-overhaul After the 2016 Austin summit, there was a discussion and a consensus surrounding the current state of the OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide. .. note:: A `blueprint and spec `_ were previously created with the intention of improving the documentation that pushed the summit discussion. Currently, the OpenStack-Ansible install guide has minimal installation information, and a lot of configuration information. This specification proposes a more formalized plan to separate this information and streamline the installation guide to make it easier and quicker to install OpenStack. Problem description =================== The OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide contains information that does not necessarily pertain to that of an installation guide structure. It has accumulated a lot of configuration information and reference information that reduces the user's focus and simplicity to install OpenStack. The current installation guide also does not follow the openstack-manuals documentation conventions. Proposed change =============== The main focus of the installation guide is reorganising and developing content so a deployer makes very few decisions and minimal configuration to deploy an OpenStack test environment and production environment. The proposed changes are: * Clearly define reference architecture and develop use case configuration examples in an appendix. * Removal of the configuration information from the current installation guide and including it in the OpenStack-Ansible role documentation. * Migrate operations content temporarily to openstack-ansible-ops repo until an operations guide can be produced. * Restructure the guide to include basic deployment configuration. * Appendices that include configuration file examples, neutron plugins, cinder options and additional resources relevant to an OpenStack-Ansible installation. * Include links to role based documentation from the Installation Guide. Alternatives ------------ * Leaving the installation guide as is, and migrating only the configuration information to the developer docs. * Consider revising the installation guide to meet criteria in `project-specific installation guide `_ and publish to docs.openstack.org Playbook/Role impact -------------------- N/A Upgrade impact -------------- N/A Security impact --------------- N/A Performance impact ------------------ N/A End user impact --------------- These changes will hopefully improve the end user experience, by providing a more structured and better flow of information to install OpenStack. Deployer impact --------------- N/A Developer impact ---------------- Move existing content over to the roles first, then developers must submit any new documentation to the role repositories. Dependencies ------------ N/A Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: Alexandra Settle (asettle) Other contributors: Darren Chan (darrenc), Jesse Pretorius (odyssey4me), Travis Truman (automagically), Major Hayden (mhayden) Work items ---------- - Clarify and obtain consensus on the content structure - Gather information from SMEs as needed - Create a draft directory for installation guide changes - Create a work items list and allocate resources - Ensure documentation meets openstack-manuals writing conventions - Test draft documentation before publication Testing ======= The testing will be conducted by the community once a draft is available. OpenStack-Ansible users will be asked to follow the new installation guide to install OpenStack and evaluate if the information provided is accurate, clear, and concise. Documentation impact ==================== This is a documentation change, N/A. References ========== * `Design Summit discussion `_ * `ToC planning `_