Consistent Query Parameters Validation

Currently query parameters are validated ad-hoc in each API method in inconsistent ways. It makes the API code hard to maintain and error-prone. This spec aims to propose one consistent mechanism to validate query parameters.

Problem description

The API layer supports validating the input body of a request with json-schema. There are mechanisms to support microversions of the schemas. There is no centralized support, however, for validating query parameters leading to inconsistent handling.

  • Inconsistent query parameter validation in the API method. The similar query parameter have different validation. Or some query parameters are without any validation. For example, there are parameters that accept different datetime format between servers list API and simple_tenant_usage API. The changes-since in the server list accepts datetime with ISO 8601 format [1]. The start/end in the simple_tenant_usage accepts some custom format [2].

  • Without looking deep into the code, the developers and users can’t know which query parameters are supported by the API. And there are some query parameters that are just passed into the SQL query directly. For example, the value of sort_key for the server list API are pass into the DB layer directly.[3]

  • The DB schema expose to the REST API directly. When the DB schema change, the API will be changed also. The same example as above. The value of sort_key passed to the DB layer directly, it leads to the internal attribute __wrapper__ of DB object expose to the REST API.

Use Cases

This is an effort about the refactor of the API layer code. It aims to ease the burden of maintaining API code. The use-cases are for the developers of Nova:

  • The developers need a consistent validation for the query parameters.

  • The developers don’t want to mix the validation code with the other API code together.

  • The developers need a central place to declare the supported query parameters.

Finally the end-user will get benefits as below:

  • Consistent query parameter validation.

  • Stable API, the API won’t be changed by under-layer DB schema change anymore.

Proposed change

This spec proposes to use JSON-schema to extract the validation of query parameters out of API code.

The JSON-schema is a familiar tool for the developers also, so it’s good to build new mechanism based on that.

For using JSON-schema to validate the query parameters, it needs to convert the query parameters to a flat JSON data. For example, there are three query parameters:

  • name accepts a regex string. It only can be specified one times.

  • sort_key can accept a string, the valid string are created_at and updated_at. It can be specified multiple times.

  • deleted is boolean value and only can be specified one times.

The request as below:

The request:

The query parameters convert to a flat JSON data:

    'name': ['^abc'],
    'sort_key': ['created_at', 'updated_at']
    'deleted': ['True']

This flat JSON data can be validated by the JSON-schema directly, the corresponding JSON-schema as below:

    'type': 'object',
    'properties': {
        'name': {
            'type': 'array',
            'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'regex'},
            'maxItems': 1
        'sort_key': {
            'type': 'array',
            'items': {'type': 'string',
                      'enum': ['created_at', 'updated_at']}
        'deleted': {
            'type': 'array',
            'items': parameter_types.boolean,
            'maxItems': 1
    'additionalProperties': False,

For reducing the copy/paste, two macro functions are introduced:

    'type': 'object'
    'properties': {
        'name': single_param({'type': 'string', 'format': 'regex'})
        'sort_key': multi_params({'type': 'string', 'enum': ['created_at', 'updated_at']}),
        'deleted': single_param(parameter_types.boolean)
    'additionalProperties': False

The schema will be attached to each API by an new decorator:

@validation.query_params_schema(schema, min_version, max_version)

The supported microversion range for a given json-schema can be specified in the decorator. The usage of decorator is same with the body jsons-schema decorator.

If there is schema matched the request version, the 400 will be returned when validation failed.

The behaviour additionalProperties as below:

  • When the value of additionalProperties is True means the extra query parameters are allowed. But those extra query parameters will be stripped out.

  • When the value of additionalProperties is False means the extra query aren’t allowed.

The value of additionalProperties will be True until we decide to restrict the parameters in the future, and it will be changed with new microversion. For now we still need to enable the random input in the query string. But the extra parameters will be stripped out for protecting the system. Also for matching the current behaviour, we need to enable multiple values for all the parameters(using the macro function ‘multi_params’ to extract the schema for multiple values). For the legacy v2 API mode, the value of additionalProperties should be True also, it makes the legacy v2 API mode under the protection also.

The current API only accepts one value for single value parameter when the API user specified multiple values in the request. Only the accepted value will be validated. The new validation mechanism supports multiple value parameters. The difference is that the new mechanism will validate all the values even only one accepted. But thinking of this is rare case, so it is acceptable.


If we keep everything as before, the code of query parameter validation will be hard to maintain. It leads to hide the bug for query parameters.

Data model impact


REST API impact

This proposal will use the keypairs API as example. For using the json-schema to validate query parameters for other APIs will be in other proposal.

In the keypairs API,new query parameters were added in Microversion 2.10 and 2.35. For example, the decorator will be added for index method as below:

schema_v2_1 = {
    'type': 'object',
    'properties': { }
    'additionalProperties': True

schema_v2_10 = copy.deepcopy(schema_v2_1)
schema_v2_10['properties'] = {'user_id': multi_params({'type': 'string'}}

schema_v2_35 = copy.deepcopy(schema_v2_10)
schema_v2_35['properties']['limit'] = multi_params(
    {'type': 'string', 'format': 'integer'})
schema_v2_35['properties']['marker'] = multi_params({'type': 'string'})
@validation.query_params_schema(schema_v2_35, '2.35')
@validation.query_params_schema(schema_v2_10, '2.10', '2.34')
@validation.query_params_schema(schema_v2_1, '2.0', '2.9)
def index(req):

The Keypairs API behaviour is as below:

For GET /keypairs?user_id=1&user_id=2

  • Past: accept, but we ignore the user_id=2

  • Now: accept, but we ignore user_id=2

  • Future: return 400 after new microversion added

For GET /keypairs?limit=abc

  • Reject, the value should be integer

For GET /keypairs?limit=abc&limit=1

  • Past: accept, ignore the limit=abc

  • Now: reject, all the values of limit should be integer

  • Future: reject, only single value can be specified.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact

This proposal improves the maintainability of the API code.



Primary assignee:

Alex Xu <>

Other contributors:

ZhenYu Zheng <>

Work Items

  • Introduce the new decorator to enable the json-schema for query parameters

  • Use json-schema for query parameters validation in the keypairs API.




The unittest and function test are required to ensure the new mechanism work as expected. When using the new mechanism instead of the existed query parameters process, the existed unitest and function still can pass the tests.

Documentation Impact

The developer reference needs to describe how to use the new mechanism.







Release Name


