L3/BGP - Make BGP Speaker peer sessions resilient to infrastructure outage


This RFE intends to implement resilient support for BGP peer sessions established by the BGP speaker. Nowadays, the Neutron Dynamic Routing service architecture depends on some type of message between the DRAgent service and the Neutron server. However, these communications are strongly dependent on the messaging service availability (such as RabbitMQ), and any transient/permanent failures in OpenStack infrastructure nodes may affect prefix advertising via BGP.

Problem Description

When we are using dynamic routing with BGP to advertise network address prefixes in a cloud infrastructure, all the network traffic depends on the correct operation by the BGP peer elements. The DRAgent has a crucial role in that scenario because this service is responsible for advirtise all L3 prefixes in a North/South communication, being a single point of vulnerability for the cloud operation.

The current DRAgent reference design [1] using two separated periodic tasks as described below:

State Report periodic task (DrAgentWithStateReport class):

|DrAgentWithStateReport class                    |
|                                                |
|     +------------------------------------+     |
|     |heartbeat = _report_state           |     |
|     |interval=CONF.AGENT.report_interval |     |
|     |  call _report_state                |     |
|     +------------------+-----------------+     |
|                        |                       |
|     +------------------+-----------------+     |
|     |_report_state polling task          |     |
|     |                                    |     |
|     | RPC processing                     |     |
|     |   if agent_status == revived       |     |
|     |     call schedule_full_resync      |     |
|     +------------------+-----------------+     |
|                        |                       |
|     +------------------+-----------------+     |
|     |schedule_full_resync                |     |
|     +------------------------------------+     |
|                                                |

BGP DRAgent periodic task (BgpDrAgent class):

|BgpDrAgent class                       |
|                                       |
|   +-------------------------------+   |
|   |periodic_resync polling task   |   |
|   |interval=CONF.periodic_interval|   |
|   |  call _periodic_resync_helper |   |
|   +---------------+---------------+   |
|                   |                   |
|   +---------------+---------------+   |
|   |_periodic_resync_helper        |   |
|   | if full_sync or resync/reason |   |
|   |   call sync_state             |   |
|   +---------------+---------------+   |
|                   |                   |
|   +---------------+---------------+   |
|   |sync_state                     |   |
|   |                               |   |
|   | if bgp_speaker_id == None     |   |
|   |   remove speaker from DRAgent |   |
|   |                               |   |
|   | Exception (MessagingTimeout)  |   |
|   |   call schedule_full_resync   |   |
|   +--------------+----------------+   |
|                  |                    |
|   +--------------+----------------+   |
|   |schedule_full_resync           |   |
|   +-------------------------------+   |
|                                       |

These two periodic tasks have independently configured interval ranges, the periodic_interval for BGP DRAgent task, and the AGENT.report_interval for the heartbeat report state. However, a full resync request can come from both periodic tasks, and the sync_state method will be processed. The case of the RPC heartbeat response with agent_status revived activates this entire flow described above until the speaker is removed from the DRAgent. For the case where an exception occurs in the sync_state method, a full resync is scheduled (according to the flow described above) until the speaker is removed from the DRAgent.

Regardless of the origin of the full resync request, the caching mechanism apparently is not working, as the agent was previously configured and after receiving a revived status via RPC it simply removes the speaker from the DRAgent, and reschedules a future resync to later be re-included (depending on the configured periodic intervals). When the speaker is removed from DRAgent the BGP peer sessions are closed and will only be reestablished if the speaker is re-added.

This problem can be manifested in two different ways:

  • When the messaging service/RabbitMQ is offline and does not respond for a long interval AMQP server is unreachable (note the timeouts configured for Neutron agent_down); and then RMQ/RPC becomes active again.

  • When the messaging service/RabbitMQ queues are under a lot of pressure and/or experiencing exception timeouts, such as: Timed out waiting for a reply; and then RMQ/RPC becomes active again.

Proposed Change

To solve the problem described above, the proposal is to introduce a new speaker cache logic for the DRAgent can keep the speaker settings and the BGP peer sessions in case of RPC Exceptions, and/or reestablishment of communication via RPC. In addition, to not remove the BGP speaker configuration from DRAgent due to transient failures in RPC communication, it is required to change the get_bgp_speakers empty returns handling logic to first schedule a full sync, and then allow the BGP speaker to be removed in the next periodic sync.

To enable the new DRAgent speaker cache mechanism, a new config option should be enabled via [BGP] section in bgp_dragent.ini file.

* ``speaker_cache_timeout = 300``

This configuration option enable the DRAgent to keep the speaker settings and related BGP peer sessions until the configured timeout (in seconds). The purpose of this timeout cache is prevent errors in the resync checking logic so that no speaker removed until the timeout condition is satisfied.

The default value for speaker_cache_timeout must be zero and thus maintain the current DRAgent behavior. Any non-zero value should affect DRAgent behavior as described below:

  • State Report periodic task: with the revived RPC status, the DRAgent must be start the cache timeout timer, and set the cache_out_of_sync flag as True. If the DRAgent performs the sync_state method before the cache_out_of_sync becomes to False, then the full sync process must be ignored, and wait for the next periodic check.

  • DRAgent periodic task: if the sync_state method throws any exception during operation, the DRAgent must be start the cache timeout timer, and set the cache_out_of_sync flag as True. Similar to the case described above, if the DRAgent performs the sync_state method before the cache_out_of_sync becomes to False, then the full sync process must be ignored, and wait for the next periodic check.

  • Cache timeout task: if another revived or Exception event occurs during the timer count, the cache task must reset the timeout interval count and start again. Otherwise, the cache task must terminate at the expiry of the configured timeout, and set the cache_out_of_sync flag to False.

  • Default workflow: If the speaker_cache_timeout is empty or set to zero; or if the configured cache timeout timer has expired - cache_out_of_sync flag is False; any periodic task should be run a full resync.

DB Impact


Rest API Changes




Work Items

  • Implement a new cache logic in DRAgent speaker resync.

  • Implement relevant unit and functional tests using the existing facilities in Neutron Dynamic Routing.

  • Write documentation.

Documentation Impact

User Documentation

  • Information about the DRAgent speaker caching support.


  • Unit/functional tests.
