==================== Radware LBaaS Driver ==================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/radware-lbaas-driver Neutron/LBaaS driver for Radware ADC. Problem Description =================== The new driver would allow using Radware ADC appliances as backends for Neutron/LBaaS functionality. Proposed Change =============== The driver (v2 driver based on v2 object model and API) will implement the interfaces in the LoadBalancerBaseDriver, using vDirect REST API, a JSON HTTP interface for configuring Radware appliances. The following managers will be implemented: * LoadBalancerManager * ListenerManager * PoolManager * MemberManager * HealthMonitorManager Alternatives ------------ None. Data Model Impact ----------------- None. REST API Impact --------------- None. Security Impact --------------- None. Notifications Impact -------------------- None. Other End User Impact --------------------- None. Performance Impact ------------------ None. IPv6 Impact ----------- None. Other Deployer Impact --------------------- None. Developer Impact ---------------- None. Community Impact ---------------- None. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: https://launchpad.net/~avishayb Work Items ---------- * Radware driver code * Unit tests * Voting CI Dependencies ============ * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/101084/ Testing ======= Tempest Tests ------------- None. Functional Tests ---------------- Functional Tests sohuld be added for driver API Tests --------- None. Documentation Impact ==================== User Documentation ------------------ None. Developer Documentation ----------------------- None. References ========== None.