.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ======================================================= 'security_group_rules_for_devices' RPC call refactoring ======================================================= https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/security-group-rules-for-devices-rpc-call-refactor Security group rules synchronization from neutron-server to L2 agents scales poorly for high density clouds, leading to a blocked neutron-server in some situations. Problem description =================== The security_group_rules_for_devices RPC call from L2 agents to neutron-server doesn't scale well because all the security group rule entries are expanded with each specific IP address (see [#call_results]_) in a security group, when that group is referenced in rules like: allow all from 'default' group for IPv4 and IPv6 This leads to: * huge AMQP messages (>20-600 MB) * very long processing time at neutron-server side when we have lots of instances under the same tenant/security group (>60 seconds) * neutron-server lockups, when RPC call times out at agent side, and the same security_group_rules_for_devices call is issued back to neutron. For a more detailed insight: * security_group_rules_for_devices is an RPC call from the L2 agents to neutron-server, see [#call_results]_. This call's arguments are a list of device_ids, device_ids are connected to ports. Neutron builds a list [#call_results]_ of security group rules and returns the list of security group rules per device_id The message size between neutron-server and L2 agent will grow according to the following formula: MessageSize ~= base + L * Instances_in_host * (Instances_in_security_group-1) Where L = len(str(security_group_rule)) ~=440 bytes This problem is more likely to happen in big clouds, or denser ones, but it's an issue, as nova can scale to 10x instances without incident: see [#n2nov_scaling]_. Proposed change =============== Refactor the security_group_rules_for_devices into a new call 'security_group_rules_for_devices_compact', which instead of returning [#call_results]_ , returns a more compact result that can be expanded by the l2 agent. The new 'security_groups_rules_for_devices_compact' RPC call returns: .. code-block:: python {'security_groups': {'sg-id1': {'rules': [ {},{},{},{}]} }, 'security_group_member_ips': { 'sg-id1' : {'ipv4': [''], 'ipv6': [] }, 'sg-id2-referenced-from-id1' : {...}, }, 'devices': {'dev-id1': { ... , 'fixed_ips': [''], 'security_groups': ['sg-id1', 'sg-id2', ...] }} } Security group rules would be passed in a non-expanded way, which implies that any reference to src or dst security groups in rules would be stored as security group ids. A response like this (old result): .. code-block:: python {'dev-id1': {..., 'security_group_rules': [{'direction': u'egress', 'ethertype': u'IPv6', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e'}, {'direction': u'egress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e'}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'protocol': u'icmp', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e'}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'source_ip_prefix': ''}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'source_ip_prefix': ''}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'source_ip_prefix': ''}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'23138476-4fde-454e-33ad-abc123456782', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'source_ip_prefix': ''} ] }, 'dev-id2': { ..., 'security_group_rules': [{'direction': u'egress', 'ethertype': u'IPv6', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e'}, {'direction': u'egress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e'}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'protocol': u'icmp', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e'}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'source_ip_prefix': ''}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'source_ip_prefix': ''}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'source_ip_prefix': ''}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'source_ip_prefix': ''}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'23138476-4fde-454e-33ad-abc123456782', 'security_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e', 'source_ip_prefix': ''} ] } } Would be like this in the new version: .. code-block:: python {'security_groups': {u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e': {'rules': [ {'direction': u'egress', 'ethertype': u'IPv6'}, {'direction': u'egress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4'}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'protocol': u'icmp',}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e'}, {'direction': u'ingress', 'ethertype': u'IPv4', 'remote_group_id': u'23138476-4fde-454e-33ad-abc123456782'} ] } }, 'security_group_member_ips': { u'1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e' : {u'ipv4': ['', '', '', ''], u'ipv6': [] }, u'23138476-4fde-454e-33ad-abc123456782' : {u'ipv4': [''], u'ipv6': [] } }, 'devices': {'dev-id1': { ... , 'fixed_ips': [''], 'security_groups': ['1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e'] }, 'dev-id2': { ... , 'fixed_ips': [''], 'security_groups': ['1809f907-4b0c-4445-a366-ff28eaab9c2e'] }, } All security groups referenced from devices will be included in the response. All security group members ip addresses from all remote_group_id referenced groups will be included in the response. The old call could be marked as deprecated during this J cycle, and removed during K cycle. Making the refactor into a new call would have the following advantages: #. Compatibility during neutron-server upgrade with older agents #. Ability to split patches (server/agents) in more steps, as we will have the ability to address the new call, while keeping the agents calling the old one, and then refactor the agents in further steps. The resulting message size would be: MessageSize ~= base + D * Instances_in_host + L * Referenced_security_groups + I * Instances_in_referenced_security_groups Where L = len(str(compact_security_group_rule)) ~= 220 bytes D = len(str(device_description_including_ips_and_sg_ids)) I = len(str(ip_address + ',')) ~= 17 bytes In the new message format no data is replicated, thus now two variables become multiplication factors. Next steps: There is a proposal from Édouard Thuleau to use an RPC topic per security group [#sec_fanout]_ which would be addressed in a second iteration after this one. Alternatives ------------ * Instead of including all the security groups in one rpc call, this could be split to a second call, 'security_groups_and_referenced_members', which would receive a list of security groups ids, and would return a list of security groups and a list of security group ip addresses. A full sync would require 2 calls to neutron server. * We could have a 'security_groups' and a 'security_groups_members', which would provide the security groups, without member IP addresses and, a list of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses members for each security group. A full sync would require 3 calls to neutron server. But this approach would allow separate communication of new members in security groups, or new rules in security groups, further reducing the information transmited in those cases. As for the first alternative, reducing the traffic volume by increasing the number of calls seems like a bad tradeoff due to the overhead/latency generated by each call. * We could just compact CIDR ranges in rules generation, that wouldn't require modifications to the agents, but that would increase the rpc request processing time. Data model impact ----------------- None REST API impact --------------- None Security impact --------------- None Notifications impact -------------------- None Other end user impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ The performance impact should be very positive in the next situations: * Security group changes: neutron-server load, and AMQP message sizes. At this moment oslo messaging serializes structures to JSON because of AMQP version limitations (string sizes for dictionaries is one of those). Reducing the message size will reduce the dictionary building time and also the serialization time. * Creation time for new ports Even higher performance impact in packet processing would be achieved by the optimization at iptables level which is proposed in the ipset spec [#ipset_spec]_. If tranmission times become our bottleneck instead of processing times we may consider compression if that's available at the AMQP level. Other deployer impact --------------------- None Developer impact ---------------- * I'm unsure if there are proprietary l2-agents talking to the RPC. We would allow some time for those to be upgraded by introducing it as a new RPC call instead of modifying the existing one. * All the agents that use this RPC call would need to be updated to the new call before removing the old one. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: https://launchpad.net/~mangelajo Other contributors: http://launchpad.net/~shihanzhang Work Items ---------- * Refactor the rpc call into a new one in neutron-server and and the matching rpc call at the agent mixin. * Add functional testing to validate the approach. * Upgrade the agents to use the new call, one by one. * Analyze db access and file a new spec if improvements can be made in this area. Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= Functional testing will validate the approach and make sure the result that was possible with the old method can be consistently replicated (only faster) with the new method. Testing both rpc calls with functional testing will avoid regressions in both of the code paths, while testing this in Tempest only allows testing the default rpc call. Documentation Impact ==================== None References ========== .. [#call_results] http://www.fpaste.org/104401/14008522/ .. [#n2nov_scaling] http://javacruft.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/168k-instances/ .. [#iptables] http://www.fpaste.org/104431/40085672/ .. [#sec_fanout] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-June/038374.html .. [#ipset_spec] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/100761/