.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ================================= Replace the concept of extensions ================================= `bp replace-extensions `_ Replace the existing concept of extensions to Keystone with support for stable, experimental and out-of-tree functionality. Problem Description =================== The approach of on-boarding new functionality via individual, wsgi-pluggable extensions has been tried in a number of projects. While it does allow a cloud provider to clearly decide what parts of new functionality they wish to enable, it also creates a headache for any clients or other service using Keystone as to what is actually supported in any given installation (at any particular time). Nova has experienced significant issues with this, having many such extensions to its API. It is also not clear from our current extensions model, whether a given extension is stable, experimental, an optional replacement for some core API etc. What is required is a more strict definition of the state of new functionality, while minimizing the confusion this creates in terms of what functionality is actually available. Proposed Change =============== It is proposed that in Keystone abandon the current mechanism of extensions in favor of three classes of functionality: * functionality that is stable and part of the Keystone tree * functionality that is experimental, but still part of the Keystone tree * functionality that is out-of-tree, can be loaded as required but no formal support is provided. Such out-of-tree functionality will typically be using the same standard plug points to Keystone as in-tree functionality, it is just that this functionality is not part of what we consider core. The JSON-Home capability would indicate which category any given bit of functionality was in. A query parameter will be available to get a specific classification (such as experimental, e.g. `GET /v3/?experimental=True`). All existing contrib contents would be re-classified into one of the first two categories above, with the majority being marked as stable (although we might possibly also mark some as deprecated). The implication of this is that all such contrib items would now automatically be loaded and not dependent on the wsgi pipeline settings. By default, major new functionality that is proposed to be in-tree will start off in experimental status. Typically it would take at minimum of one cycle to transition from experimental to stable, although in special cases this might happened within a cycle. Experimental status indicates that although the intention is to keep the API unchanged, we reserve the right to change it up until the point we mark it as stable. It is not intended that functionality should stay in experimental for a long period. It should either graduate to stable or be removed (or perhaps moved to out-of-tree). Functionality that stays experimental for more than 2 releases, would be expected to make a transition to one of the other states. Any new functionality that is proposed as experimental that raises concerns over security would have to have a config switch to disable it (with disabled being the default setting). This requirement would be specified as part of the spec for this new functionality. A disabled set of functionality should still respond to a JSON-Home request, but with status of disabled. If the functionality is disabled, the response should be an HTTP 403 (FORBIDDEN). A HTTP 404 (NOT FOUND) should not occur from any resource listed in the JSON-Home document even if it is classified as experimental and disabled. Alternatives ------------ We keep the current extension mechanism, live with the complexity in the clients, but perhaps enhance the JSON-Home support to allow better detection. Data Model Impact ----------------- Currently extensions have their own SQL repos - and this wouldn't be implicitly changed by this proposal. We would likely collapse some of these into the main repo and prune the upgrade support for the N-2 release. For new functionality, it would be recommended to use the main repo, in order to minimize the steps required for administrators given that functionality is all "part of core". REST API Impact --------------- None. Security Impact --------------- None, other than the issue mentioned over using config to disable new functionality that has security concerns. Notifications Impact -------------------- None Other End User Impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ None Other Deployer Impact --------------------- It would no longer be possible to disable individual experimental functionality by simply removing it from the wsgi pipeline. Rather for those items that are judged to have a security impact, a config switch would be used. Developer Impact ---------------- For developers building functionality that is classed as out-of-tree, then they must provide their own hosted environment for the code as well as a delivery mechanism. Stackforge is the recommended place to supply such code. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- * Morgan Fainberg (mdrnstm) * Steve Martinelli (stevemar) * Henry Nash (henry-nash) * Brant Knudson (bknudson) * Adam Young (ayoung) Work Items ---------- * Classify current extensions as either stable or experimental * Update JSON-Home base document to support inclusion of experimental * Update documentation to indicate expirimental and stable features * Add documentation to describe graduation process for experimental to stable * Add documentation to describe removal for non-graduating experimental Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= None Documentation Impact ==================== Changes to the documentation on extension building and enabling. References ========== None