.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode =============== CADF Everywhere =============== `bp cadf-everywhere `_ As of the Juno release, Keystone emits two types of notifications. A simple kind that is typically used as a callback function, that just has a resource id as the only payload. The other is a CADF styled notification which contains information that is useful for auditing. Problem Description =================== There has been more demand for cloud deployers to have the ability to audit everything. This includes tasks such as project creation and deletion, as well as role assignment creation and deletion. As such, we should start to support these deployers by sending a notification with sufficient data to perform a successful audit. Proposed Change =============== Create CADF notifications upon a `create`, `update`, and `deleted` events for the following resources: * group * project (i.e. tenant) * role * user * trust (immutable resource - no update notification) * region * endpoint * service * policy Note: We will not be removing the simple notifications as they are useful for callback functions, and there is already some support in Ceilometer for these notifications. Barbican also relies on these as callbacks. Alternatives ------------ Keep things as-is Security Impact --------------- None Notifications Impact -------------------- More CADF notifications Other End User Impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ None Other Deployer Impact --------------------- None Developer Impact ---------------- None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: * stevemar (Steve Martinelli ) * topol (Brad Topol ) Work Items ---------- * Attempt to leverage the existing CADF decorators to create the payload for the notification and send it off. * Possibly refactor the existing CADF decorator to be a bit more flexible. Dependencies ============ None Documentation Impact ==================== Update the notifications sections of documentation, possibly create a new section for CADF notifications. References ========== `CADF Spec `_ `OS Profile for CADF `_