Save Information about The Deployment in The Database

As a deployment engineer I would like to be able to leverage deployment configuration history for my cluster as a base for decision making.

For example, I need to have an opportunity to know what actually changed in the cluster since previous (or even earlier) times.

This information is sometimes crucial. E.g. I want to have an ability to inject tasks into deployment graph based on what actually changed in graph configuration.

As an example, when I change mysql configuration (something like max_connections), I need to perform mysql restart one by one as opposed to parallel installation in order to maintain the cluster operating. This cannot be done without actual knowledge of what are the new nodes and what are the old nodes in the cluster or whether this deployment is a new one or is a redeployment of previously deployed cluster.

This info may also be required for changes such as backend switching for glance/keystone or may be needed for plugins to alter their behaviour depending on cluster metadata change.

Problem description

Currently, such a history does not exist which makes satisfaction of aforementioned use cases impossible. It should not be a rocket science to store cluster configuration in the database before sending it to the nodes being deployed.

Proposed changes

Additional fields for ‘tasks’ model should be added to store serialized data, unserialized settings and unserialized network configuration associated with particular Nailgun task.

Web UI




Data model

Add 3 new fields with deployment data into ‘tasks’ table with type ‘JSON’


There will be a REST API handler allowing to get serialized data, unserialized settings and unserialized network configuration for specified Nailgun task

method URL action auth exempt
GET /api/transactions/ :transaction_id/ deployment_info get serialized data for a nailgun task false
GET /api/transactions/ :transaction_id/ settings get settings for a nailgun task false
GET /api/transactions/ :transaction_id/ network_configuration get network configuration for a nailgun task false

The methods should return the following statuses in case of errors:

  • 404 Not found - in case of missing entry
  • 405 Not Allowed - for PUT /api/transactions/:transactions_id/ deployment_data, PUT /api/transactions/:transactions_id/settings, PUT /api/transactions/:transactions_id/network_configuration

GET method returns JSON



RPC Protocol


Fuel Client

Fuel Client has to show stored information for particular Nailgun task. New command should be added:

fuel2 task 1 deployment-info download --file deployment-info.yaml
fuel2 task 1 settings download --file settings.yaml
fuel2 task 1 network-configuration download --file networks.yaml



Fuel Library



Wait for ConfigDB full implementation or Solar integration, which will happen only with N release

Upgrade impact

Should be disabled for pre-9.0 clusters

Security impact


Notifications impact


End user impact

User will be able to get history of all the changes and conduct better troubleshooting

Performance impact

Non-significant overhead for Postgres DB layer

Deployment impact

Flexible deployment workflow generation and LCM support

Developer impact


Infrastructure impact


Documentation impact

Only feature-related documentation



Primary assignee:
Other contributors:
ikutukov vsharshov ashtokolov
Mandatory design review:

Work Items

See Proposed Changes section


Testing, QA

  • Check that all information is stored in DB
  • Check that handlers return JSON data and CLI commands save data to the specified yaml file.

Acceptance criteria

Ability to fetch deployment info data for any particular nailgun task being run
