Allow a user to override the Puppet resources through Hiera

Currently, a user can provide the YAML-formatted data to override the OpenStack configuration resources. This is implemented by using a specific Puppet resource which allows overriding parameters only for the OpenStack configuration resources in the catalog. This approach should be extended to support all the Puppet resources what gives an opportunity to control a deployment using Hiera. Implementing this enhancement allows us to enable the Infrastructure as Code concept for a user.

Problem description

The Fuel OpenStack configuration feature introduces a way to update the OpenStack configuration files. A user can upload the YAML-formatted file using the Fuel CLI. The format of this file is as follows:

      <puppet_reousrce_param>: <config_value>

This format being transparently transformed into the Puppet resource is responsible for the OpenStack configuration.

The common Lifecycle Management and Infrastructure as Code approaches imply that a user can configure any entity within environment (configuration file, package version, and so on). The current solution is limited by the OpenStack configuration file only. It leads to the significant obstacles in an environment management after it has been deployed.

Proposed changes

To solve the problem above, we can extend Fuel to support configuration of any entity within a deployed environment. This provides an opportunity to manage an environment without introducing the sophisticated deployment procedures such as creating plugins or custom graphs.

To implement this solution, we need to extend override_resources Puppet type implementation to support any Puppet resource defined by fuel-library. override_resources Puppet type should allow a user to create a new resource of a given type or just modify resources’ parameters. The new data structure should have the following format:

      <puppet_resource_param1>: value1
      <puppet_resource_param2>: value2
    create: <True|False>
      - <type1>
      - <type2>
      - <title1>
      - <title2>
      - <type1>
      - <type2>
      - <title1>
      - <title2>

configuration_options hash is optional and is intended to be used by advancedusers only. This structure should be transformed into parameters for the override_resources type.

The override_resources Puppet type has following logic:

  1. It searches for all the resources in the Puppet catalog whose type equals <puppet_resource_type>.
  2. Among all the resources found in the step 1, it selects resources with title equals <puppet_resource_title>.
  3. If the result from the step 2 is not empty (if the resource is found), it updates the resource parameters with the values from <puppet_resource_paramX>.
  4. If the result from the step 2 is empty, it creates resource in catalog.

Logic described above can be overridden by configuration_options hash using following set of parameters

types_filter: []
titles_filter: []

These two options allow to provide a list of resource types and/or resource titles which should be processed by this override_resources instance. If the lists are missing or empty no filtering will be used and all resources types and titles will be processed.

Default values []

create: true/false

Enable the creation of all resources. New instances will be added to the catalog if no instances of this resource have been found there.

Default value True

types_create_exception: []
titles_create_exception: []

These two options allow to set the exception lists for the new resource creation. If “create” option is set to true, these lists of types and titles are used as the list of resources that should not be created. If “create” option is set to false, these lists of types and titles are used as the list of resources that should be created.

Default values []

    <parameter>: <value>

This structure allows to set the default parameters for every Puppet type (e.g. ensure: present). The value will be added to every updated or created resource of this type unless the other value is provided for a resource in the configuration data.

The resource generator raises an error if the resource defined in data structure is not found within modulepath.

Such data structures can be created using standard Nailgun API which was introduced for the Advanced Configurations feature or through the Nailgun extension which modify deployment data prior to sending them to a particular node.

For example, the following construction:

        ensure: latest
        ensure: absent

will be used in the following block of fuel-library:

override_resources {'package':
  configuration => {
                     'fontconfig-config' =>
                       {'ensure' => 'latest'},
                     'mc' =>
                       {'ensure' => 'latest'}

The new approach allows overriding any Puppet resource in a catalog or add any resource in modulepath to the catalog.

Web UI




Data model






RPC Protocol


Fuel Client




Fuel Library

Execution of override_resources will be added for each task in deployment graph. Parameters for will be taken from hiera



Upgrade impact

All data uploaded to an environment by using the old configuration format may be extended with nesessary configuration options.

Security impact


Notifications impact


End user impact


Performance impact


Deployment impact


Developer impact


Infrastructure impact


Documentation impact

Documentation should be updated with the new configuration format examples and description of new possible options from an end-user perspective.



Primary assignee:
Mandatory design review:

Work Items

The development may be split into two stages:

  • Implement a new configuration format processing in the OpenStack-related puppet tasks.
  • Implement a new configuration task for all the Puppet tasks in the deployment graph.



Testing, QA

Tests for the Fuel OpenStack configuration feature should be updated with the new configuration format.

Acceptance criteria

This change should provide an ability for a user to configure any entity within a deployed environment.

