Upgrade Fuel Admin node 7.0 to 8.0 with CentOS7


Upgrade of the Fuel Admin node is a way to deliver latest version of Fuel installer and OpenStack to users without breaking their existing environments. It is necessary to accommodate the upgrade method for Fuel Admin node to changes made in 8.0 release cycle.

This spec is addressing only the upgrade of the Fuel Admin node up to the point when it is able to deploy and manage environments with the new version of OpenStack. Upgrade of the OpenStack environments is out of scope of this proposal.

Problem description

In release 8.0, CentOS 7 is introduced as a base operating system for the Fuel Admin node, replacing CentOS 6.6 in release 7.0.

Due to the level of customization of the basic operating system in release 7.0, it is impossible to upgrade the operating system by standard tools (e.g. YUM package management system).

Users of Fuel installer should be able to keep their OpenStack environments managed by Fuel through the upgrade of the Fuel Admin node.

Proposed changes

Current approach to the upgrade in release 7.0 assumes that the new version of docker images are packaged in RPM. Upgrade script installs the package and rebuilds the containters.

New approach shall be data-driven in a sense that the Fuel Admin node will be reinstalled from scratch, while configuration data of OpenStack environments shall be retained and applied to the fresh installation of Fuel. This allows the Fuel Admin node to manage existing OpenStack clusters deployed by previous versions of Fuel.

For data-driven upgrade of the Fuel Admin node, the following procedure must be developed:

  • Backup configuration of the Fuel Admin node and all OpenStack clusters managed by this node, including the following items:
    • /etc/fuel/ directory that contains configuration files for the Fuel Admin node’s installation and operation.
    • /etc/puppet/ directory to preserve Puppet modules for former release(s) to retain support for old clusters.
    • /root/.ssh/ directory contains private/public keys used to access all target nodes in environments.
    • /var/lib/cobbler/config/systems.d directory contains configuration files for target nodes discovered by the Fuel Admin node. File default.json contains definition for bootstraping nodes and must not be backed up or restored in the new release version.
    • /var/lib/fuel/keys/ certificates and keys for SSL/TLS encryption of web UI traffic.
    • text dump of nailgun database from Postgres server
    • text dump of keystone database from Postgres server
    • ostf database is not backed up/restored, since its contents are incremental and the new release DB already has everything for legacy releases
  • fuel-octane tool shall be used for backup purposes. The original version shall be patched and published as an update to 7.0 release. User installs it in the host and uses it to create backup tarball.
  • Backup log files separately from the configuration, since they could be bulky and will slow down the backup/restore process. Logs backup can be done via Nailgun diagnostic snapshot as usual.
  • Install the Fuel Admin node as usual.
  • Supply file astute.yaml from backup to the freshly installed Fuel Admin node via octane fuel-restore command. It will restore credentials from the supplied /etc/fuel/astute.yaml file.
  • Command octane fuel-restore shall inject database dump into PostgreSQL DB and run migration scripts on the database.
  • Command octane fuel-restore shall upload openstack.yaml fixture with metadata of the new release via Nailgun API.
  • After installation of the Fuel Admin node, inject Cobbler configuration files, keys and certs in corresponding places and restart appropriate services.
  • After configuration is restored, rebuild the bootstrap image with restored SSH keys.

Web UI




Data model






RPC Protocol


Fuel Client



Fuel Operator will have to install plugins of the compatible version onto the Fuel Admin node after the restore is done.

Fuel Library



Alternative way is to backup and restore Docker containers, as per current version of Fuel Admin node backup. Given the decision to drop containers support and additional value of the data-based backup/restore for cases when the master node is reinstalled, we abstain from this approach.

Another path is to upgrade operating system of the Fuel Admin node in-place with centos-upgrade-tool provided by CentOS. This path is unstable considering modifications to base operating system, including changed package versions and rebuilt packages. It will require modifications to the upgrade tool and supporting third-party upgrade scripts.

Upgrade impact

This proposal covers change of upgrade workflow. The new workflow shall reuse the database upgrade capabilities provided by Alembic migrations in Nailgun. Migrations will be applied automatically with the restart of container docker-nailgun.

Security impact

Backup file contains high sensitive data, including SSH private keys and access credentials to all components in both Fuel and OpenStack environments. This file must be handled with extreme care. It must not be published to externally accessible location (e.g. HTTP server). Preferred way to transfer the file between old and new instance of the Fuel Admin node is removable storage device.

Backup file shall be encrypted and protected with user-supplied secret.

Root password for the fresh installation of the Fuel 8.0 Admin node must be changed via fuel-menu or immediately after the installation. fuel-octane backup shall not save /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files and thus won’t preserve root password and/or other users credentials from the original node.

Notifications impact


End user impact

User experience for upgrading Fuel Admin node changes significantly. Instead of running single shell script upgrade.sh, operator will have to:

  • install new version of fuel-octane package from mos-updates repository onto Fuel Admin node version 7.0.
  • create backup with octane fuel-backup command from fuel-octane package and copy resulting file to external location (e.g. USB drive or another server).
  • install new Fuel Admin node with version 8.0 using elements of backup in installation procedure. Operator have 2 options:
    • install the new 8.0 Fuel Admin node onto existing physical server or VM, replacing the original 7.0 Fuel Admin node.
    • install the Fuel Admin node onto new physical/virtual server in parallel with the original 7.0 Fuel Admin node.
  • use octane fuel-restore to extract the backup file and restore credentials and other settings of the Admin node from astute.yaml from the backup and inject remaining elements of backup into fresh installation of the Fuel Admin node.

Rollback option is available through installing fresh 7.0 Fuel Admin node and restoring configuration on that node according to the procedure outlined in Operations Documentation (see Documentation Impact section for details).

Performance impact


Deployment impact

Fuel 8.0 Admin node is installed as usual. The restoration procedure must be applied immediately afterwards, before any changes to settings of the new Admin node.

This proposal doesn’t impact the deployment of new OpenStack environments.

To be able to scale and manage environments of version 7.0 using upgraded Fuel Admin, operator must save repositories with OpenStack packages from the 7.0 Admin node and copy them to the 8.0 Admin node. Workflow for the repository transfer is described in Operations Guide.

Developer impact


Infrastructure impact

To accommodate to this change, an extra virtual machine has to be used in the testing environment when testing this function and the upgrade of an OpenStack environment following the upgrade of the Fuel Admin node.

Documentation impact

  • New upgrade workflow shall be documented in respective section of Operations Guide.
  • New rollback workflow based on octane fuel-restore shall be described in Operations Guide:
** To rollback the Fuel Admin installation, deploy fresh Fuel 7.0 Admin node,
retrieve backup of Docker containers from external store and use command octane fuel-restore to restore configuration and data of containers.
  • The transfer mechanism for repository with OpenStack packages shall be described in Operations Guide.



Primary assignee:
Other contributors:
Mandatory design review:
vkozhukalov sgolovatyuk ikalnitskiy dborodaenko

Work Items

  • Implement octane fuel-backup command to create a backup file from the Fuel Admin node
  • Implement injection of astute.yaml file into boostrap process of the Fuel Admin node in octane fuel-restore utility
  • Implement injection of DB dump from backup file into PostgreSQL database server during the bootstrap in octane fuel-restore command
  • Implement restore of Cobbler configuration files and key/cert files from backup in octane fuel-restore command
  • Implement rebuild of Docker containers with the restored data in octane fuel-restore command
  • Implement upload of openstack.yaml fixtures for 8.0 release using octane fuel-restore command
  • Implement translations for the backup data according to Predictable Interfaces Naming feature in fuel-web DB migration scriptsa
  • Implement post-restore actions to:

** Upload releases data for 8.0 release from openstack.yaml file

** Rebuild bootstrap image with restored SSH public key for accessing
target node
  • Implement system test to verify the new upgrade workflow
  • Prepare documentation on the new upgrade workflow


  • Centos7 on the Fuel Admin node
  • Enable Predictable Interfaces Naming schema

Testing, QA

  • Current test plans must be be updated with new upgrade procedure.
  • Rollback-scenarios must be adapted for using restore feature.
  • New tests must be written for covering upgrading cluster with new features introduced in 7.0:
    • Network templates
    • Node groups
    • Separate services
    • Node reinstallation
  • Chain-upgrade scenarious for upgrading fuel master node 6.1->7.0->8.0 must be written to ensure the ability to manage Kilo cluster with deprecated or removed features:
    • nova-network FlatDHCP
    • Neutron GRE network
    • CentOS as base OS for cluster
    • Classic provisioning

Acceptance criteria

  • Backup created by octane fuel-backup command is a tarball that contains all files and data according to this specification on the Fuel Admin node of version 7.0.
  • On fresh installation of Fuel 8.0 Admin node, octane fuel-restore command restores contents of /etc/fuel/astute.yaml file in the following sections from values in backup astute.yaml file:
    • DNS_* parameters
    • keystone credentials
    • postgres credentials
    • astute credentials
    • cobbler credentials
    • mcollective credentials
  • Command octane fuel-restore uploads data from the backup to nailgun and keystone databases at Fuel 8.0 Admin node.
  • Configuration files in systems.d directory of Cobbler configuration directory restored from backup and match the actual nodes in the test environment.
  • Proper access credentials are restored across the system, including DB accounts, SSH keys and certificates for Cobbler and Nginx.
  • Changes implementing the functions listed above are properly submitted, reviewed and merged into fuel-octane repository.
  • Documentation describing the new upgrade workflow submitted and merged in the main Fuel documentation.
