Support custom CA bundle file to use in verifying the vCenter server cert

After implementation this blueprint, user can specify CA bundle file to use in verifying the vCenter server certificate for nova-compute [4] and cinder-volume [3]. Also we improve use cases for Glance vSphere backend and CA bundle file.

Problem description

The VMware driver for cinder-volume and nova-compute establishes connections to vCenter over HTTPS, and VMware driver support the vCenter server certificate verification as part of the connection process. Currently, for cinder-volume [3] we use vmware_insecure = True [1] and for nova-compute [4] we set insecure = True [2] options therefore the vCenter server certificate is not verified. In Fuel Web UI is not possible to select a certificate for cinder-volume [3] and nova-compute [4]. For Glance vSphere backend we can specify custom CA bundle file and it covers the case where the vCenter is using a Self-Signed certificate. But if vCenter server certificate was emitted by know CA (e.g. GeoTrust) and we don’t specify custom CA bundle file, certificate verification turn off, because by default we set vmware_insecure = True [5]. Use cases which cover this blueprint for cinder-volume [3], nova-compute [4] and Glance vSphere backend:

1. Case 1. Bypass vCenter certificate verification (default). Certificate verification turn off. This case is useful for faster deployment and for testing environment.

2. Case 2. vCenter is using a Self-Signed certificate. In this case the user must upload custom CA bundle file certificate.

3. Case 3. vCenter server certificate was emitted by know CA (e.g. GeoTrust). In this case user have to leave CA certificate bundle upload field empty.

Proposed changes

The following changes need to be done to implement this feature:

  • [Web UI] Add file upload support that allows certificate upload on the VMware tab [0].
  • [Web UI] Implement restrictions [6] support on VMware tab [0].
  • [Nailgun] Add field that allows user to upload CA certificate that emitted vCenters TLS/SSL certificate.
  • [Nailgun] Add checkbox “Bypass vCenter certificate verification”.
  • [Fuel Library] Fetch CA certificate bundle and deploy services with using certificate.

Web UI

On VMware tab [0] in the availability zone section need to add the ability to certificate upload and restrictions [6] support.

Availability zone section on VMware tab [0]:


For the case 1 availability zone section on VMware tab [0] will look like:


For the case 2 availability zone section on VMware tab [0] will look like:


For the case 3 availability zone section on VMware tab [0] will look like:


Description of the above cases can be found in section Problem description.

It will use the same logic for the Glance vSphere backend (Glance section on VMware tab [0]).


Data model

Nailgun should be able to serialize CA certificate data and pass it into astute.yaml file, astute.yaml for case 2:

  - availability_zone_name: vcenter
    datastore_regex: .*
    service_name: vmcluster1
    target_node: controllers
    vc_cluster: Cluster1
    vc_password: Qwer!1234
    vc_user: administrator@vsphere.local
    vc_insecure : false
      content: RSA
      name: vcenter-ca.pem
  - availability_zone_name: vcenter
    datastore_regex: .*
    service_name: vmcluster2
    target_node: controllers
    vc_cluster: Cluster2
    vc_password: Qwer!1234
    vc_user: administrator@vsphere.local
    vc_insecure: false
      content: RSA
      name: vcenter-ca.pem
  - availability_zone_name: vcenter
    vc_password: Qwer!1234
    vc_user: administrator@vsphere.local
    vc_insecure: false
      content: RSA
      name: vcenter-ca.pem
  vc_insecure: false
    content: RSA
    name: vcenter-ca.pem
  vc_datacenter: Datacenter
  vc_datastore: nfs
  vc_password: Qwer!1234
  vc_user: administrator@vsphere.local


GET /api/clusters/%cluster_id%/vmware_attributes/ method should return data with the following structure:

    "pk": 1,
    "editable": {
        "metadata": [
                "fields": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "description": "Availability zone name",
                        "name": "az_name",
                        "label": "AZ name"
                        "type": "text",
                        "description": "vCenter host or IP",
                        "name": "vcenter_host",
                        "label": "vCenter host"
                        "type": "text",
                        "description": "vCenter username",
                        "name": "vcenter_username",
                        "label": "vCenter username"
                        "type": "password",
                        "description": "vCenter password",
                        "name": "vcenter_password",
                        "label": "vCenter password"
                        "type": "checkbox",
                        "name": "vcenter_insecure",
                        "label": "Bypass vCenter certificate verification"
                        "type": "file",
                        "description": "vCenter CA file",
                        "name": "vcenter_ca_file",
                        "label": "CA file",
                        "restrictions": [
                                "message": "Bypass vCenter certificate verification should be disabled.",
                                "condition": "currentVCenter:vcenter_insecure == true"
                        "fields": [
                                "type": "text",
                                "description": "vSphere Cluster",
                                "name": "vsphere_cluster",
                                "label": "vSphere Cluster",
                                "regex": {
                                    "source": "\\S",
                                    "error": "Empty cluster"
                                "type": "text",
                                "description": "Service name",
                                "name": "service_name",
                                "label": "Service name"
                                "type": "text",
                                "description": "Datastore regex",
                                "name": "datastore_regex",
                                "label": "Datastore regex"
                                "type": "select",
                                "description": "Target node for nova-compute service",
                                "name": "target_node",
                                "label": "Target node"
                        "type": "array",
                        "name": "nova_computes"
                 "type": "array",
                 "name": "availability_zones"
                "fields": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "description": "VLAN interface",
                        "name": "esxi_vlan_interface",
                        "label": "VLAN interface"
                 "type": "object",
                 "name": "network"
                "fields": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "description": "VCenter host or IP",
                        "name": "vcenter_host",
                        "label": "VCenter Host",
                        "regex": {
                            "source": "\\S",
                            "error": "Empty host"
                        "type": "text",
                        "description": "vCenter username",
                        "name": "vcenter_username",
                        "label": "vCenter username",
                        "regex": {
                            "source": "\\S",
                            "error": "Empty username"
                        "type": "password",
                        "description": "vCenter password",
                        "name": "vcenter_password",
                        "label": "vCenter password",
                        "regex": {
                            "source": "\\S",
                            "error": "Empty password"
                        "type": "text",
                        "description": "Datacenter",
                        "name": "datacenter",
                        "label": "Datacenter",
                        "regex": {
                            "source": "\\S",
                            "error": "Empty datacenter"
                        "type": "text",
                        "description": "Datastore",
                        "name": "datastore",
                        "label": "Datastore",
                        "regex": {
                            "source": "\\S",
                            "error": "Empty datastore"
                        "type": "checkbox",
                        "name": "vcenter_insecure",
                        "label": "Bypass vCenter certificate verification"
                        "type": "file",
                        "description": "File containing the trusted CA bundle that emitted vCenter server certificate. If empty vCenters certificate is not verified.",
                        "name": "ca_file",
                        "label": "CA file",
                         "restrictions": [
                                "message": "Bypass vCenter certificate verification should be disabled.",
                                "condition": "Glance:vcenter_insecure == true"
                "type": "object",
                "name": "glance",
                "restrictions": [
                        "action": "hide",
                        "condition": "settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false"
        "value": {
            "availability_zones": [
                    "az_name": "Zone 1",
                    "vcenter_host": "",
                    "vcenter_username": "admin",
                    "vcenter_password": "secret",
                    "vcenter_insecure": "true",
                    "vcenter_ca_file": "file_blob",
                    "nova_computes": [
                            "vsphere_cluster": "cluster1",
                            "service_name": "Compute 1",
                            "datastore_regex": "",
                            "target_node": {
                                "current": {
                                    "id": "test_target_node"
                            "vsphere_cluster": "cluster2",
                            "service_name": "Compute 3",
                            "datastore_regex": "",
                            "target_node": {
                                "current": {
                                    "id": "test_target_node"
                    "az_name": "Zone 2",
                    "vcenter_host": "",
                    "vcenter_username": "user$",
                    "vcenter_password": "pass$word",
                    "vcenter_insecure": "true",
                    "vcenter_ca_file": "file_blob",
                    "nova_computes": [
                            "vsphere_cluster": "cluster1",
                            "service_name": "Compute 4",
                            "datastore_regex": "^openstack-[0-9]$"
                            "vsphere_cluster": "",
                            "service_name": "Compute 7",
                            "datastore_regex": ""
            "glance": {
                "vcenter_host": "",
                "vcenter_username": "admin",
                "vcenter_password": "secret",
                "datacenter": "test_datacenter",
                "datastore": "test_datastore",
                "vcenter_insecure": "true",
                "ca_file": "file_blob",
            "network": {
                "esxi_vlan_interface": "eth0"



RPC Protocol


Fuel Client



Specification might affect plugins that connect to vCenter server:

  • Fuel VMware DVS plugin [8].
  • Fuel VMware NSXv plugin [7].

Fuel Library

Changes to Puppet manifests:

  • vmware::cinder::vmdk
  • vmware::compute_vmware
  • vmware::ceilometer::compute_vmware
  • vmware::controller
  • vmware::ceilometer
  • parse_vcenter_settings function



Upgrade impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


End user impact

  • The user can upload in VMware tab [0] CA certificate that emitted vCenters TLS/SSL certificate.
  • The user can check or uncheck Bypass vCenter certificate verification in VMware tab [0].

Performance impact


Deployment impact


Developer impact


Infrastructure impact


Documentation impact

Document how to use CA file field and Bypass vCenter certificate verification checkbox on VMware tab in the availability zone section and in Glance section.



Primary assignee
QA engineers
Mandatory design review

Work Items

  • [Web UI] Add file upload support that allows certificate upload on the VMware tab [0].
  • [Web UI] Implement restrictions [6] support on VMware tab [0].
  • [Nailgun] Add field that allows user to upload CA certificate that emitted vCenters TLS/SSL certificate. Need to make changes:
    • openstack.yaml
    • vmware_attributes.json
  • [Nailgun] Add checkbox Bypass vCenter certificate verification.
  • [Fuel Library] Fetch CA certificate bundle and deploy services with using certificate. Need to make changes:
    • vmware::cinder::vmdk
    • vmware::compute_vmware
    • vmware::ceilometer::compute_vmware
    • vmware::controller
    • vmware::ceilometer
    • parse_vcenter_settings function



Testing, QA

Necessary to check scenarios:

  • insecure connections for nova-compute [4], cinder-volume [3] and Glance vSphere backend.
  • secure connections for nova-compute [4] and cinder-volume [3]. and Glance vSphere backend (with CA bundle file for vCenter).

Acceptance criteria

User can upload the CA certificate for vCenter and after deploy nova-compute [4], cinder-volume [3] and Glance vSphere backend service works. If the user does not upload the CA certificate for vCenter and enable Bypass vCenter certificate verification checkbox everything works too.