.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ========================================== Re-thinking Fuel Client ========================================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/re-thinking-fuel-client The major problem of Fuel Client is that it is not used in the most of real life use cases due to the lack of features, and inappropriate design for using it as a library. This specification describes the way of redesigning it the right way for making it usable both as a CLI tool and as a client library. Problem description =================== Most common problems of Fuel Client include: * Bad coverage of Fuel API. Fuel Client can perform only a limited subset of operations supported by Fuel's API. * Not very clear command line interface. Some commands implicitly require additional options but do not show any errors if those are missing. * Inappropriate design as for library. There are some exit() calls, no support for connection pooling which makes usage Fuel Client as a library close to impossible. * It is not convenient enough to use it outside of services in the Fuel project. Fuel Client is distributed as a regular folder and ways of getting it only include cloning the repository or getting the RPM from Fuel's RPM repository somehow. * The codebase needs to be improved in general. There is a lot of functionality that can be re-used from existing libraries or frameworks that are used in OpenStack ecosystem. Proposed change ================ Major steps of the proposed refactoring --------------------------------------- * **Move Fuel Client into a separate repository.** Keeping it in it's current location inside the common fuel-web repository makes it harder to use it outside of Fuel project. Also it puts more responsibility to the fuel-core team. Since Fuel Client is meant to be a simple API wrapper for Python and a CLI tool, it does not require as many fuel-core's attention as the rest of the stuff in the fuel-web repository and can be easily moved out. In addition to that having a separate repository will allow re-using several jobs from OpenStack-Infra in for making gate testing better. The proposal is to create a python-fuelclient repository at Stackforge and place source code of the client there. Since the client was stored in the common repository, git subtree can be used for preserving the history of changes. Making another Launchpad project would getting involved easier for 3rd-party developers. At the same time it would make keeping track of all issues in the Fuel project harder and put an additional burden of synchronizing branches and milestones. Therefore the same Fuel's LP project will be used. All issues, related to the Fuel Client should be tagged with the "cli" tag. Fuel Client developer's manual should clearly mention that. * **Get migration to Cliff done.** Now a lot of code in Fuel Client re-invents the wheel and doesn't always do that in a very efficient way. Using `Cliff `_ it's possible to re-use its features for generating command line interface, parsing parameters and for rendering result in different formats. Cliff provides clean and simple interfaces for those tasks and is widely used in OpenStack community as a framework for building command line clients. Existing patches could be reviewed in the old place and then committed to the new repository. New patches should be pushed to the new repository. * **Get rid of the old library code. Leave CLI code as a compatibility layer.** Fuel Client is unusable as a library now. There's no sense in keeping that code so it can be removed and replaced with an appropriate implementation which can be used as a Python API wrapper. Keeping compatibility with the old command line interface for at least one release is a must. For that the original argument parser and result rendered should be kept as a compatibility layer. It can be removed in any of the following releases. Old parameters that are deprecated Fuel Client must show deprecation warnings. The implementation of the CLI should only parse command line arguments and render results. The rest of the work should be done by the above mentioned API wrapper library in 3rd party projects. Moving to a separate repository should be done as the first step. Migration to Cliff could be done in parallel with implementing the library. Major principles to follow -------------------------- * **Re-use existing tools and libraries from upstream OpenStack.** Using stuff from OSLO and other OpenStack projects which meets the needs and requirements would allow to implement less wheels and be more compatible with some stuff from upstream there is a need to be compatible with, e.g, client configuration options and settings. The list of the above mentioned stuff include the following * Session from Keystone Clients. Along with different authentication plugins gives different ways of performing authentication. * oslo.config for representation of configuration values. This specification allows to make further discussion on the libraries and utils that can be used in Fuel Client. A table of pros and cons could be found in the following `etherpad `_. * **Do not require any configuration files. Just support them.** Fuel Client as a CLI tool should be capable to take all parameters from the following sources, arranged by priority: #. Command line arguments #. Command line environment #. Configuration directory #. Configuration file Smaller number means bigger weight. Parameters from a source having bigger priority override the ones from less prioritized sources. Configuration files and command line parameters should only be processed by the command line interface and then passed as regular function parameters to the Fuel API wrapper library. Fuel Client as a library should only accept all required properties through its Python interface. It should not interact with any other sources of its parameters. * **Use own versioning for Fuel Client.** Moving Fuel Client into a separate repository allows to introduce a separate versioning model for it. That will allow to release bug fixes without depending of Fuel's release cycle. Unbinding from the Fuel releases completely does not seem reasonable so the proposal is to introduce the following versioning model: All stable versions will have a A.B.C name where A and B are the same as the newest version of Fuel supported, i.e., the current stable version of Fuel and C is the release of Fuel Client within that stable version of Fuel. Every version x.y.* of Fuel Client supports both Fuel-A.B.* and Fuel-A.(B-1).* APIs. Newer or older versions of Fuel's API will require a corresponding version of Fuel Client and display a clear message about that. Warnings about versions of Fuel's API or command line parameters that are going to be dropped should be marked as deprecated one release before that. Deprecation warnings must be added to release notes and to upgrade script. In order to let usage of the current development version of Fuel the alpha postfix is added to the version name, e.g., python-fuelclient_6.1.5-alpha. * **Publish releases of Fuel Client to PyPi.** In order to make it possible to use Fuel Client outside of the Fuel's scope it's reasonable to publish it to PyPi. Since it's open-source and is released under the Apache license there's no obstacle for that. This can be managed by existing jobs in OpenStack CI. * **Support for plugins** External plugin authors are able to add their features into client. CLI extensions for external plugins could be installed from PyPi as separate packages in order to let plugin vendors to do that independently on Fuel Client's release cycle. Plugins require a separate blueprint but general rule is that a plugin vendor should be able to keep source code outside of the source tree and install them either from PyPi or from an RPM package. Other end user impact --------------------- * This refactoring is expected to bring cleaner CLI and make it possible to use the Fuel Client as a Python wrapper for Fuel API. * Potentially proposed changes could lead to a slightly different command line interface. However, keeping it backwards-compatible for a one or a few more releases should be sufficient for all end-users. Finally users will get a cleaner command line interface. * It will be easier including fuelclient as a requirement to any project. Publishing to PyPi will also allow installing and updating it on any OS. Installing from PyPi should install all dependencies required for usage. Security impact --------------- It will be possible to supply keystone auth token instead of user credentials to the Fuel Client. That eliminates the need to have them hard coded in some other Fuel subsystems. Other deployer impact --------------------- Proposed changes include moving Fuel Client into a separate repository so all the stuff which now looks for it inside fuel-web repository won't be able to find it there. If it's crucial to have Fuel Client inside fuel-web repository it will be possible to create a git submodule for it. However, since Fuel Client will be released on PyPi it will be possible to just add it to standard package requirements or install manually from a script with pip. Those will be the recommended ways of installing Fuel Client. Separate versioning will allow to update Fuel Client faster where it is required. Developer impact ---------------- * Developers will have to migrate their ongoing patches to the new repository. * Merging patches will be faster due to smaller load to the repo-core team. Performance Impact ------------------ There should be no performance impact. Data model impact ------------------ Proposed changes do not have any data model impact. REST API impact --------------- There's no REST API impact. Notifications impact -------------------- There's no notifications impact. Upgrade impact -------------- * It will be possible to upgrade Fuel Client from PyPi. * New version of Fuel Client will use a traditional configuration file. A translation script will be required. * Upgrading or installing 3rd-party plugins from PyPi to a master node could possibly cause changes in Python environment there. A support strategy is required for cases like that. Alternatives ------------ * **Keep Fuel Client in the same common repository.** It makes merging patches, triaging bugs, reviewing code and using the client outside of Fuel project harder. * **Bind client releases to Fuel releases.** Does not allow to release bug fixes and alphas. Alternatively maintenance releases of Fuel could be used for releasing bug fixes but releasing alpha versions still won't be possible. * **Not publishing to PyPi.** Makes installation and upgrades outside of the Fuel project harder. Has no technical reasoning. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: romcheg Other contributors: aroma-x, ksambor Work Items ---------- * Create a separate repository in Stackforge and Gerrit with only a noop job. * Make an alpha release of the client so it can be tested with the ongoing release of Fuel and will provide the promised compatibility with the previous version. * Update RPM-specs so packages can be built and packaged to ISO. * Move Fuel Client's sources to that repository and move all unmerged patches to the appropriate Gerrit project. * Update system tests, package build system, and all dependent systems to use python-fuelclient as a separate project, but not as a subfolder in fuel-web repository. * Set up required testing and other required jobs in OpenStack CI. * Introduce a job for functional testing in Fuel-CI. * Update build scripts make them fetch Fuel Client from the new place when building RPMs. * Land Cliff migration patches. * Start implementing other improvements. Dependencies ============ #. Refactoring Fuel Client `blueprint `_ incorporates some of the ideas described here and therefore should be implemented. Testing ======= As a generic requirement test coverage should be better in terms of the number of covered code, number of covered features and time, required for delivering information about basic failures in the code. Unit testing ------------ Unit tests should be ran on different Python versions. It is possible to use python-jobs from OpenStack CI for that. Unit tests should not do invocations to Nailgun as they do now. Unit tests should not require any other Fuels's subsystem to run. Versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4 of Python should be supported. Since currently only version 2.x is supported, python-3 jobs should be made non-voting until the code is compatible with Python-3. Integration Tests ----------------- Some system tests may depend on the current location of Fuel Client or on the way it can be installed or upgraded. Those tests should be updated in order to deal with the proposed changes. For integration testing a separate job should be set up. That job should run real Nailgun and exercise Fuel Client against it. Documentation Impact ==================== Since Fuel Client can be used as a library all it's functions have to be implemented. Documentation should be put into a doc directory in the root of the repository. It is possible to use documentation jobs from OpenStack CI to automatically test build and publish documentation. Those jobs can publish documentation to different sites. Links to published docs should be included to Fuel's user's and developer's manuals. User Documentation ------------------ Fuel user manual will have to contain the link to the Fuel Client docs. Developer Documentation ----------------------- Fuel developer's manual will have to contain the link to the Fuel Client docs. References ========== #. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/refactoring-for-fuelclient #. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cliff #. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fuelclient-fuelclient-3rdparty-libs #. http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-November/050775.html #. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fuelclient-redesign