.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ==================================== Add manila to the installation guide ==================================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/create-manila-install-guide Add manila to the installation guide. Problem description =================== The installation guide does not include manila, but manila packages are available in the distros' repositories. Essential documents also already support manila: - `Manila admin guide cloud `__ - `Manila user guide `__ - `Manila configuration reference `__ Proposed change =============== Add manila to the installation guide using existing cinder content as a reference. Manila architecture is based on cinder architecture. By this means, reference architecture will be compatible with cinder architecture. Approach for example/proof-of-concept architecture: - Shared Filesystems Storage management at the controller node; - Shared Filesystems Storage service at same the cinder node. Alternatives ------------ None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: denis-cavalcante Work Items ---------- None Dependencies ============ Mitaka milestone or RC packages for each distribution supported by the Installation Guide. Testing ======= Validate manila deployment on all distributions supported by the installation guide. References ========== None