Policy Library

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When Congress is first deployed, it does not perform any monitoring or enforcement because there are no policies specified. It takes significant investment in time and energy to learn the policy language and write the desired policies before Congress provides any value.

Problem description

To help deployers and administrators quickly get started and see value, we propose to include with Congress a library of useful policies that a deployer or administrator can easily enable, disable, and customize.

Proposed change


The proposed changes come in two main pieces, the new policy library and the changes to existing Congress server functionalities to support the use of policies from the policy library.

The policy library

Introduce a new concept of the policy library in Congress server, where policies are retained and manipulated but are not used by the policy engine (for monitoring or enforcement). Include with Congress server a collection of useful policies, each in a YAML file. These policies automatically populate the policies library.

To make it easy for us to populate the library and for admins to modify/create their own library, the API/CLI/GUI should support full CRUD into the library.

  • Congress server can have new config option that points to a directory of policies to load into the library.

    • Once the library is initialized from the files, restart of Congress server do not re-initialize the policy library from the files (empty library is assumed to be un-initialized). A new interface allows an administrator to trigger re-initialization from files.


      The policy library is persisted in the database and has a separate existence in Congress server apart from the files in the policy library directory. See also discussion of the alternative model Policy library directory files as truth.

    • Future feature: reloads changed files automatically into library

      • Will not update policies imported from library into policy engine

      • Open question: Should changes to the policy library through the API sync back to the files in the policy library directory?

      • Care must be taken to consider concurrent changes and potential conflicts from multiple congress server instances.


When Congress server policy engine service is replicated, different server instances must have the same policy library files. If not, the library will be populated based on the an arbitrary combination of the policy files on the different server instances.

  • Installation

    • Standalone: installer scripts copy the default library directory from the Congress git repo into /etc/congress/.

    • Devstack: same as standalone

Support for using policies from the library

We propose to add all the functionalities required to support the following workflows for activating a policy from the policy library (i.e., creating an (active) policy in the policy engine by importing a (inactive) policy from the policy library).

  • Activating a policy from library using CLI/API.

    1. Administrator inspects policies in library to find one they want to use.

    2. Administrator downloads the relevant policy, in YAML or JSON.

    3. Administrator modifies YAML/JSON encoding and uses it as the payload to create a new policy.

  • Activating a policy from library using GUI.

    1. Administrator peruses policies in library

    2. Administrator clicks on an interesting policy, which brings up a textbox (or more sophisticated policy editor) to customize.

    3. Administrator clicks on a ‘Create’ button that creates that policy.

Below are the specific functionalities needed to support these workflows.

  • A backward compatible change to the policies POST API to allow for a ‘rules’ key in the JSON/YAML payload body.

  • A new optional parameter to the policy create CLI command that allows the administrator to import and activate a policy from a YAML file.

  • A new optional parameter to the policy create CLI command that allows the administrator to import and activate a policy directly from the policy library without saving to file.


    The policy engine rule insert code would require some careful reworking to ensure policy creation with rules is transactional. That is, if insertion fails at the third rule (say because of cross-policy recursion), the first and second rule insertions are undone without having caused any effect (triggered actions or altered query answers).

    Three main things are needed.

    • Write to database only after the insertion of all the policy rules have succeeded in the policy engine.

    • Trigger evaluation must be delayed until after all the rules are inserted successfully.

    • The policy engine must be prevented from answering queries while in the middle of processing a batch of rule insertions. This can be done either with locks or by making sure the greenthread executing the batch rule insertion does not yield.

  • A new page in the Horizon GUI where an administrator can perform the following tasks.

    • browse and inspect policies in the policy library

    • active (i.e., import to policy engine) a policy from the policy library

    • customize a policy in the policy library prior to import


This section discusses several alternative designs and implementation to various aspects of this proposal.

Policy library strictly external to Congress

  • No concept of library in API/data model. The policy library is simply a directory of files the administrator can import into the policy engine.

    • Least development effort.

    • Not as usable. Administrator cannot use the existing Congress interface (CLI/GUI/API) to browse, inspect, customize, and activate policies in the policy library.

    • This version is realized by a subset of the changes proposed in the spec. This subset should be prioritized in the development to realize the minimal viable functionality described here.

Policy library directory files as truth

  • Instead of database, use the policy files in the policy library directory as source of truth.

    • Complex in error-prone in a setup with multiple policy engines.

    • Different model from all the other persisted data in Congress server, adding more complexity for developers.

Library rules as disabled policy engine rules in the same database table

  • Instead of storing the rules in the library policy in a separate logical repository as well as a separate database table from the active rules in the rule engine, store all the rules as rules in the rule engine, with an additional flag indicating which ones are active.

    • Complicates the existing data model for rules in the policy engine.

    • What is the benefit?


Not applicable.

Policy actions

Not applicable

Data sources

Not applicable.

Data model impact

No impact on existing tables.

One new database tables are needed:

  • A library_policies table to store the policies in the policies library. Below are the columns.

    • name = sa.Column(sa.String(255), nullable=False, unique=True, primary_key=True)

    • abbreviation = sa.Column(sa.String(5), nullable=False)

    • description = sa.Column(sa.Text(), nullable=False)

    • kind = sa.Column(sa.Text(), nullable=False)

    • rules = sa.Column(sa.Text(), nullable=False)


    Because the rules in the library are accessed at the granularity of one entire policy, we can improve simplicity and performance by storing the rules as a text blob instead of as individual rows.


    the TEXT type is limited to 2^16 - 1 bytes in length in MySQL. Very large policies beyond this size are not supported. If this limit turns out to be too restrictive, MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT type can be forced by specifying a longer length in the SQL Alchemy column declaration, at the cost of losing SQLite support (primarily used for unit testing).

Empty tables will be created using sqlalchemy migration scripts. Tables will be populated by Congress server from policy files in the policy libraries folder.

REST API impact

Policy library methods

  • Re-initialize

    • Re-initialize policy library from the files in the policy library directory as set in configuration.


    This operation destroys the current content of the policy library.

    • Method type: PUT

    • Normal http response code(s): 200

    • Expected error http response code(s): 401

    • /v1/library

    • Parameters which can be passed via the url: None

    • JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed: Not allowed

    • JSON schema definition for the response data if any: None

  • List policies

    • List metadata for all policies in the library (id, name, desc, number of rules)

    • Method type: GET

    • Normal http response code(s): 200

    • Expected error http response code(s): None

    • /v1/library

    • Parameters which can be passed via the url: None

    • JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed: Not allowed

    • JSON schema definition for the response data if any:

      - !Type:
        title: collection of PolicyProperties
        type: array
          type: object
              title: Policy unique name
              type: string
              required: true
              title: Policy description
              type: string
              required: true
              title: Policy kind
              type: string
              required: true
              title: Policy name abbreviation
              type: string
              required: false
  • Show policy

    • Show specified library policy (in specified format)

    • Method type: GET

    • Normal http response code(s): 200

    • Expected error http response code(s): 401, 404

    • /v1/library/<policy-name>

    • Parameters which can be passed via the url: None

    • JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed: Not allowed

    • JSON schema definition for the response data if any: Policy full schema.

  • Create policy

    • Create a new policy in library

    • Method type: POST

    • Normal http response code(s): 200

    • Expected error http response code(s): 400, 401, 409

    • /v1/library

    • Parameters which can be passed via the url: None

    • JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed: Policy full schema.

    • JSON schema definition for the response data if any: Policy metadata schema without UUID.

  • Update policy

    • Update a policy in library

    • Method type: PUT

    • Normal http response code(s): 200

    • Expected error http response code(s): 400, 401, 404, 409

    • /v1/library/<policy-name>

    • Parameters which can be passed via the url:

      • format: {json, yaml} (default is json)

    • JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed: Policy full schema.

    • JSON schema definition for the response data if any: Policy metadata schema without UUID.

  • Delete policy

    • Delete policy from library

    • Method type: DELETE

    • Normal http response code(s): 200

    • Expected error http response code(s): 401, 404

    • /v1/library/<policy-name>

    • Parameters which can be passed via the url: None

    • JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed: Not allowed

    • JSON schema definition for the response data if any: None

Policy engine methods

  • Create policy

    • Create a policy in policy engine (either from input data or from library)

    • Method type: POST

    • Normal http response code(s): 200

    • Expected error http response code(s): 400, 401, 404, 409

    • /v1/policies

    • Parameters which can be passed via the url:

      • library_policy=<name of policy in library>. This creates the policy directly from the library policy, without needing body data. A request where both this parameter and a body data are specified should result in error 400.

    • JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed: Policy full schema.

    • JSON schema definition for the response data if any: Policy metadata schema with UUID.

Common JSON Schemas

Policy metadata schema without UUID
- !Type:
  id: PolicyProperties
  title: Policy Properties
  type: object
      title: Policy unique name
      type: string
      required: true
      title: Policy description
      type: string
      required: true
      title: Policy kind
      type: string
      required: true
      title: Policy name abbreviation
      type: string
      required: false


UUIDs are not used for policies in the policy library. The reason is gets confusing if the UUID is changed when the policy is activated, but also problematic if the UUID is retained in the activated policy in policy engine, leading to two different entities sharing the same UUID.

Policy metadata schema with UUID
- !Type:
  id: PolicyProperties
  title: Policy Properties
  type: object
      title: UUID for the policy
      type: string
      required: true
      title: Policy unique name
      type: string
      required: true
      title: Policy description
      type: string
      required: false
      title: Policy kind
      type: string
      required: false
      title: Policy name abbreviation
      type: string
      required: false
Policy full schema


It is a design decision that rules in a policy library do not have IDs and cannot be referred to individually. Policies in the library are created, updated, or deleted at the level of the whole policy.

- !Type:
  id: PolicyProperties
  title: Policy Properties
  type: object
      title: Policy unique name
      type: string
      required: true
      title: Policy description
      type: string
      required: true
      title: Policy kind
      type: string
      required: true
      title: Policy name abbreviation
      type: string
      required: false
      title: collection of rules
      type: array
      required: true
        type: object
          id: PolicyRule
          title: Policy rule
          type: object
              title: Rule definition following policy grammar
              type: string
              required: true
              title: User-friendly name
              type: string
              required: false
              title: User-friendly comment
              type: string
              required: false

Security impact

In general, no major security impact is expected. However, below are some security considerations.

  • If policy library changes are sync’ed back to the policy library directory on the server, then an attacker who gains administrative privilege to Congress can also create and modify files in the policy library directory of the Congress servers.

  • The ability to submit multiple rules in a policy creation API can increase the potential for resource exhaustion attacks.

Notifications impact

No impact

Other end user impact

No impact to existing work flows.

Performance impact

Minimal performance impact expected. Care must be taken to limit the performance impact of the feature to automatically detect changes in the policy library folder and update the policy library accordingly.

Other deployer impact

There is minimal negative impact on deployers.

  • No existing database table schemas are changed.

  • New database tables are used, which would be added by alembic migration scripts.

Developer impact

Minimal developer impact.



Assignment to be done on launchpad.

Work items

To be organized on launchpad.


No new dependencies.


In addition to unit tests, straight-forward additions to the tests in congress_tempest_tests/tests/scenarios/test_congress_basic_ops.py would suffice.

Documentation impact

Minimal impact.


No references.