Introduce reprocessing API

This specification proposes an API to enable reprocessing.

Problem Description

Sometimes due to a misconfiguration in rating rules, or due to backfill of data in the collector backend (Gnocchi, Prometheus, or others), operators need to reprocess CloudKitty data. The reprocessing process that is normally taken is the following.

  • Stop all CloudKitty processors,

  • reset the state (last processed/rated timestamp) in MySQL database for all scopes that need reprocessing,

  • clean/delete all processed/rated data for the affected timeframe in the processed data backend (e.g. InfluxDB),

  • restart CloudKitty processors.

CloudKitty has an API already to reset the processing/rating state of a scope 1. However, this API only resets the state in the MySQL database. Therefore, it is important to have an API that implements the manual steps that operators are normally executing when reprocessing is required.

Proposed Change

To avoid human error during reprocessing, and also to make it easier for non-CloudKitty experts to execute it, we propose the introduction of a reprocessing API that schedules the reprocessing and also removes the processed/rated data for the affected timeframe from the backend (e.g. InfluxDB).

To achieve that, we will use a new table to store the reprocessing progress for scopes, the proposed table name is storage_scope_reprocessing_schedule.

| Field                        | Type         | Null | Key | Default           | Extra          |
| id                           | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment |
| identifier                   | varchar(256) | NO   | MUL | NULL              | FK             |
| start_reprocess_time         | datetime     | NO   |     | -                 |                |
| end_reprocess_time           | datetime     | NO   |     | -                 |                |
| current_reprocess_time       | datetime     | yes  |     | NULL              |                |
| reason                       | text         | NO   |     | NULL              |                |

The endpoint for the schedule reprocessing API will be:

  • POST /v2/task/reprocesses

    • scope_id: a list of scope IDs to schedule reprocessing to.

    • start_reprocess_time: a timestamp to start reprocessing.

    • end_reprocess_time: a timestamp to end reprocessing.

    • reason: the reason for the reprocessing

  • GET /v2/task/reprocesses/<scope_id> – to retrieve the reprocessing schedules for a single scope.

  • GET /v2/task/reprocesses - to retrieve the reprocessing schedules for multiple scopes

The /v2/task/reprocesses endpoint will receive a POST request similar to the following:

  "scope_id": ["scope_id_one", "scope_id_two", ...],
  "start_reprocess_time": "2021-05-01 00:00:00",
  "end_reprocess_time": "2021-05-30 23:00:00"
  "reason": "The reason why this reprocessing is scheduled."

The reason field is mandatory to force users to explain why the reprocessing is scheduled. We are forcing users to register why they are taking such drastic measures, such as reprocessing. Therefore, we hold a history of the scheduled reprocessing, and their respective reasons/explanations.

If one of the scope IDs informed via scope_id does not exist, we will raise an exception telling the operator that there are invalid scopes ID in the request.

One can only schedule reprocessing for timestamps of scopes that have already been processed. Therefore, if the end_reprocess_time is after the latest processing timestamp for a given resource, an error is thrown in the API.

One cannot schedule overlapping reprocessing. Therefore, it is only possible to reprocess a reprocessing of a scope, when the previously scheduled reprocessing is finished (if there is an overlapping of start/end timestamps).

After the schedule has been created, the CloudKitty processors will clean the affected time range for the given resource, and then move on with the reprocessing. Every time a timestamp is reprocessed, the current_reprocess_time is updated, similarly to the current processing workflow.

When the current_reprocess_time equals to end_reprocess_time, it means that the scheduled reprocessing has finished. Therefore, The reprocessing workers will do nothing for this entry.

We will also introduce an endpoint to consult the status of the scheduled reprocessing.

  • To list all schedules: GET /v2/task/reprocesses

    • scope_id: optional field to filter scopes that have been scheduled for reprocessing. If no scope is provided, we list all.


Manually execute the reprocessing steps previously described.

Data model impact

A new table (storage_scope_reprocessing_schedule) will be added to the database.

REST API impact

A new API will be introduced: /v2/task/reprocesses.

Security impact

Only admins must have access to this new API

Notifications Impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Work Items

  1. propose, discuss, and merge the spec

  2. execute the implementations as described.

  3. implement changes in the CloudKitty client to support the new API




Unit tested

Documentation Impact


