.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ================================================================ Support Linux on System z (S/390) as a hypervisor platform ================================================================ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/linux-systemz There are some platform-specific changes needed in order to allow Cinder manage FCP-based block storage on Linux on System z. Additional OpenStack functionality beyond initial Cinder support is not part of this blueprint; we will have specific additional blueprints for that, as needed. Required support in Nova is described by a separate blueprint which is listed as a dependency below. iSCSI does not require any changes. Problem description =================== Linux on System z differs from other Linux platforms in the following respects: * System z uses a different format for device file paths (ccw-based, rather than pci-based) * Auto-discovery for fibre-channel devices can be configured online, or offline. In case auto-discovery is turned off, devices need to be added, and removed explicitly by OpenStack (unit_add, unit_remove) * vHBAs may be turned online, or offline. Offline vHBAs need to be ignored. Use Cases ========= Proposed change =============== Change code in Cinder to address these issues, dependent on the host capabilities indicating a CPU architecture of ``arch.S390X``, and ``arch.S390``. For details, see section `Work Items`_. Alternatives ------------ None Data model impact ----------------- None REST API impact --------------- None Security impact --------------- None Notifications impact -------------------- None Other end user impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ None Other deployer impact --------------------- None (no need for platform-specific parameters in cinder.conf as part of this blueprint) Developer impact ---------------- None (changes should not affect other platforms) Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: stefan-amann Other contributors: mzoeller maiera Work Items ---------- In ``cinder/brick/initiator/connector.py``: * connect_volume needs to support the System z specific format of the device file paths and issue the unit_add command (which is done by calling the new configure_scsi_device() function) :: if platform.machine() == 's390x': target_lun = "0x00%02d000000000000" % int(connection_properties.get('target_lun', 0)) host_device = ("/dev/disk/by-path/ccw-%s-zfcp-%s:%s" % (pci_num, target_wwn, target_lun)) self._linuxfc.configure_scsi_device(pci_num, target_wwn, target_lun) else : host_device = ("/dev/disk/by-path/pci-%s-fc-%s-lun-%s" % (pci_num, target_wwn, connection_properties.get('target_lun', 0))) host_devices.append(host_device) * disconnect_volume needs to support the System z specific format of the device file paths and issue the unit_remove command (which is done by calling the new deconfigre_scsi_device() function) :: for device in devices: self._linuxscsi.remove_scsi_device(device["device"]) if platform.machine() == 's390x': ports = connection_properties['target_wwn'] wwns = [] # we support a list of wwns or a single wwn if isinstance(ports, list): for wwn in ports: wwns.append(str(wwn)) elif isinstance(ports, basestring): wwns.append(str(ports)) hbas = self._linuxfc.get_fc_hbas_info() for hba in hbas: pci_num = self._get_pci_num(hba) if pci_num is not None: for wwn in wwns: target_wwn = "0x%s" % wwn.lower() target_lun = "0x00%02d000000000000" % int(connection_properties.get('target_lun', 0)) host_device = ("/dev/disk/by-path/ccw-%s-zfcp-%s:%s" % (pci_num, target_wwn, target_lun)) self._linuxfc.deconfigure_scsi_device( pci_num, target_wwn, target_lun) In ``cinder/brick/initiator/linuxfc.py``: * Utility functions to execute the unit_add, or unit_remove command. :: def configure_scsi_device(self, device_number, target_wwn, lun): out = None err = None zfcp_device_command = ("/sys/bus/ccw/drivers/zfcp/%s/%s/unit_add" % (device_number, target_wwn)) try: self.echo_scsi_command(zfcp_device_command, lun) except putils.ProcessExecutionError as exc: LOG.warn(_("zKVM unit_add call failed exit ( %(code)s), stderr (%(stderr)s)") % {'code': exc.exit_code, 'stderr': exc.stderr}) def deconfigure_scsi_device(self, device_number, target_wwn, lun): out = None err = None zfcp_device_command = ("/sys/bus/ccw/drivers/zfcp/%s/%s/unit_remove" % (device_number, target_wwn)) try: self.echo_scsi_command(zfcp_device_command, lun) except putils.ProcessExecutionError as exc: LOG.warn(_("zKVM unit_remove call failed exit (%(code)s), stderr (%(stderr)s)") % {'code': exc.exit_code, 'stderr': exc.stderr}) * Have get_fc_hbas_info() only return enabled vHBAs for System z. :: hbas_info = [] for hba in hbas: if (platform.machine() != 's390x') or (hba['port_state'] == 'Online'): ...same as today Dependencies ============ Nova blueprint to add support for KVM/libvirt in Linux on System z https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-kvm-systemz Testing ======= Unit test: * Unit tests will be added and performed on System z, as well as Intel-based machines. * We will provide an environment for CI testing on System z. This is described by the Nova blueprint which is listed as a dependency. We will test Cinder and Nova on System z in this environment. Documentation Impact ==================== * No changes needed in config docs. * Doc changes for the platform will be made as needed (details are to be determined). References ========== * Linux on System z Device Driver book, http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/dw/linux390/docu/l316dd25.pdf * Linux on System z, http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/linux390/