Deployer Specific Metadata for Secrets


Problem Description

Deployers(Service Admins) may require the ability to add additional data to a Barbican Secret, which users cannot access/modify. The data must be immutable for to the user, but a deployer should be able to change it. Secrets contain immutable metadata such as created, updated, algorithm, etc.. The deployer may want to add some data which is also immutable for the user. For example, the deployer may want to store specifics such as the region where the secret is located.

Currently only user metadata can be used, and it is not immutable to a user[1].

Proposed Change

The proposed change will be to add a new attribute to Barbican Secrets in order for deployer meta-data to be stored. A new API endpoint must also be created for the manipulation of the metadata.


  • Lock usage of metadata and have database admins add keys and values.

Data model impact

A new table will be created called secret-deployer-metadata with secret_id, key`and `value columns.

At the database level a limit will also be placed on the size of the metadata.


Values will all be stored as Strings.

REST API impact

Each current API call for Secrets will now have deployer-metadata as an added attribute. If no deployer-metadata is provided then an empty dictionary will be initialized.

The following will be added to the REST API:

Get deployer-metadata from a secret:

GET /v1/secrets/{uuid}/deployer-metadata
    Accept: application/json
    X-Project-Id: {project_id}

200 OK

    'deployer-metadata': {
        'description': 'contains the AES key',
        'geolocation': '12.3456, -98.7654'

Create/Update deployer-metadata for a secret:

PUT /v1/secrets/{uuid}/deployer-metadata
    Accept: application/json
    X-Project-Id: {project_id}

    'deployer-metadata': {
        'description': 'contains the AES key',
        'geolocation': '12.3456, -98.7654'

200 OK

    'deployer-metadata': {
        'description': 'contains the AES key',
        'geolocation': '12.3456, -98.7654'


Only Create/Update deployer-metadata will be needed. To remove the metadata a user can perform the PUT with an empty dict. If a partial model is sent then the whole metadata will be changed to the partial model which has been sent. Values that exist in the data model but not in the PUT will be deleted.

The following will be added to the REST API in order to address individual user metadata items:

Create an individual metadata item in a secret:

POST /v1/secrets/{uuid}/deployer-metadata
    Accept: application/json
    X-Project-Id: {project_id}

  "key": "access-limit",
  "value": 11

201 Created

Secret Metadata Location:{uuid}/deployer-metadata/access-limit
    "key": "access-limit",
    "value": 11


If the item already exists then a 409 Conflict error code will be returned.

Update an individual metadata item in a secret:

PUT /v1/secrets/{uuid}/deployer-metadata/access-limit
    Accept: application/json
    X-Project-Id: {project_id}

  "key": "access-limit",
  "value": 11

200 OK

  "key": "access-limit",
  "value": 11


access-limit must already have been created if not a 404 error code will be returned.

Get an individual metadata item in a secret:

GET /v1/secrets/{uuid}/deployer-metadata/access-limit
    Accept: application/json
    X-Project-Id: {project_id}

200 OK

    "key": "access-limit",
    "value": 0


If the access-limit key does not exist then a 404 error code will be returned.

Delete an individual metadata item in a secret:

DELETE /v1/secrets/{uuid}/deployer-metadata/access-limit
    X-Project-Id: {project_id}

204 No Content


If the access-limit key does not exist then a 404 error code will be returned.

Security impact

ACLs and Policy must be setup for the new API calls listed above.

Barbican’s policy.json will now include the following:

  • “secret-deployer-meta:get”: “rule:service_admin”

  • “secret-deployer-meta:post”: “rule:service_admin”

  • “secret-deployer-meta:put”: “rule:service_admin”

  • “secret-deployer-meta:delete”: “rule:service_admin”

Notifications & Audit Impact

If supported, adding/modifying secret-deployer-metadata should be audit events.

Other end user impact


Performance Impact


A new table will be added to the database. It will include new alembic scripts to create the new table and it’s associations.

Other deployer impact

Deployer will now have the ability to store secret specific metadata that may be consumed by an application.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

Phase 1: Database alterations Phase 2: Current and New API alterations and Tests Phase 3: Documentation




Unit tests must be written for internal component testing. Functional tests must be written for testing this new feature as a whole.

Documentation Impact

Barbican API must be updated to include these changes.

